It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 22 Someone came during the day

Chapter 22 Someone came during the day
No matter what purpose he had for marrying her, whether it was for her dowry, or to solve physical problems, he was still pretty good to himself after all.

In just one day of getting along, from the time he let himself eat in the morning and now he drinks water, it is much better than the two aunts of the Gu family.

No one has been so kind to him for a long time, Gu Youyou was a little moved.

"Okay, thank you!" Gu Youyou is sincerely grateful!

At Gu's house, she couldn't burn the stove because it was too cold. It was really rare that Jin Zijin was so poor that she was willing to burn the stove for her.

Jin Zijin worked very neatly, and soon a stove made of mud and bamboo was brought over. There were a few woods burning inside, and an iron sand pot was placed on it.

"What do you want to eat?" After finishing all this, Jin Zijin didn't forget to ask.

Gu Youyou then remembered that he forgot to choose between eating rabbits or pheasants.

She thought about it, rabbit meat is delicious, but it is not as good as pheasant. She is very weak now, so eating pheasant is obviously more rational.

"Eat the mountain, oh, eat it slowly, it's best to have mushrooms, if you put a little more... Oh forget it, you can watch the stew!"

Gu Youyou slipped out and almost said that he had to stew some medicine to replenish his body.When I think of Jin Zijin being so poor, where can I afford medicine!It would be nice to have pheasants.

Jin Zijin snorted and said, "I picked up some mushrooms when I went into the mountains to go home, and they have already dried and hanged outside, so I'll take some to stew some mountains ******* Jin Zijin walked to the door. , turned back and asked, "Would you like to get up and sit for a while? "

The sun has gone down at this moment, the sky is still not dark, but the temperature is much colder than during the day, Gu Youyou thought about it, but nodded.

This body is really bad. Most of them are caused by sleeping. Even if you don't get the sun, it is better to sit up than lie down.

Jin Zijin brought her a reclining chair made of bamboo and put it next to the stove, so that it wouldn't be too cold for her to bake.

Gu Youyou noticed that the large reclining chair was new, and she thought it was because of her.

Jin Zijin was so busy all day that his feet didn't touch the ground, he didn't have time to sit on such a chair.

Soon Jin Zijin came back from the river, carrying the pheasants and two rabbits in his hands.

He suddenly asked, "Did anyone come during the day?"

Gu Youyou nodded and said, "Wang Shun came here once and said he was bringing firewood for you. Also... My second aunt came, and she said that the fabric at home was a little damp, so she took it out to dry it."

Jin Zijin looked at the leather cloths hanging on the pole outside with a confused expression, his eyes flashed, but he didn't say anything.

Gu Youyou sat by the stove and watched Jin Zijin busy on the stovetop. First, he prepared the pheasant, then set the fire, and put the soaked mushrooms and pheasant into the pot and simmered.

The firewood burning in the stove was sent by Wang Shun in the afternoon. Jin Zijin picked a few thick ones and put them in the stove. The thick firewood burned for a long time, so that he would not have to guard the stove all the time.

After working on the pot, he put some salt on the two rabbits and put them up. Now that the weather is not hot, they can be left for a few more days after they have been salted.

The stovetop is one big and one small, the big one is cooking chicken, and the small one can be used to cook rice.First cook the rice half-cooked, then open the partition between the two stoves, and the stove can be overheated.

 I don't know how many people have seen the kind of stove that is braided with bamboo and fixed with mud on the inside?

  I've seen it anyway, hehe! !Don't worry, you won't burn the bamboo.

(End of this chapter)

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