It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 256 My Talent is Extraordinary

Chapter 256 My Talent is Extraordinary
Suspicious of her great-grandson, which already made her unhappy.She came to ask a doctor to come home and take a look, but she didn't tell you to ask endless questions.

"I vomited so badly!" Old Huang said angrily.

Gu Youyou frowned, and after a while, the corners of her mouth curled into a sneer.

Now is the autumn harvest season, the season of alternating summer and cold, and the most frequent visits to the doctor are various gastrointestinal problems.People in several nearby villages love to grow melons, especially watermelons.In this month, the watermelons are all ripe, and if you don’t eat them, you can’t eat them anymore. Farmers are afraid of waste, so they often eat them vigorously, and stomach problems abound.

There are many reasons for vomiting, but it doesn't mean that a woman is pregnant when she vomits, and the time when Qianqian came in is so...sensitive!
"How long has it been throwing up? How powerful is it?" Gu Youyou continued to ask.

Old Huang hated this granddaughter more and more, but thinking that she was not a good talker, she had to suppress her anger and continue talking.

"I vomited for ten or eight days, and I can't remember the details. At first, she only said that her stomach was uncomfortable, and then she started to vomit. These two days were the worst."

So many days?Gu Youyou was a little surprised.

Sure enough, I just started to vomit. If I say it is still possible in a month, how could it be possible to be pregnant in twenty days?

"Do you eat a lot of watermelons?" Gu Youyou continued to ask.

Old Huang was slightly startled, is pregnancy related to eating watermelon?For a moment she forgot to answer.

"Do you eat a lot of watermelon every day?" Seeing that she didn't say anything, Gu Youyou asked again.

Old Huang felt that Gu Youyou was supernatural, and she really had two brushes.

It seems that the dead Doctor Zhou said that Gu Youyou was a genius... It was not unreasonable, she even knew that Qianqian had eaten a lot of watermelon.

"Yes, Qianqian eats a lot. She is afraid of heat and loves to eat!"

"Did you have diarrhea?"

She doesn't know if she has diarrhea or not, but she...

"I saw her often running to the latrine!"

Gu Youyou understood it as a pull?
OK, almost understood.

Gu Youyou brought a pen and paper, and began to write something with her head down. Even the illiterate old Huang felt that her handwriting was beautiful.

Old Huang stretched his neck and looked at her strangely, not to mention how weird his expression was.

When did she learn to write?

Oh my god, Gu Youyou who can't even embroider can actually write?

She had a ghostly look on her face.

Is this really their family's sick child, Gu Youyou?

"Yuyou?" Old Huang called out tentatively.

"Huh?" Gu Youyou, who was writing with her head down, answered in a low voice.

Old Huang's mind is vacillating, is this really Gu Youyou?
"You... When did you learn to write?" She couldn't help asking curiously.

Gu Youyou didn't look up, and continued to write, but also replied: "I learned it recently."

Learned recently?You have only been in Jishengtang for a few days, do you think you are a child prodigy?Old Huang sneered.

While writing, Gu Youyou said casually: "Master said that I am very talented and a child prodigy. It's a pity that heaven is jealous of talents, so I suffered many disasters when I was a child. As long as I get over it, my future will be limitless!"

Old Huang seemed to have choked on a fly.

Are you so calm and bragging about yourself?

But now she can see a doctor, prescribe medicine, and write beautifully.

And she had been locked up in her backyard before, just like her, illiterate.Apart from her statement that she is a child prodigy, there is really no other reason.

God, this...

Old Huang's expression was indescribably weird!

(End of this chapter)

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