Chapter 271
Something happened to the Gu family. The old lady of the Gu family took her granddaughter-in-law to see the doctor, but was knocked over by a frightened old horse, and several people fell into the ravine together with the carriage.

The old horse, the middle-aged man driving the carriage, and the old lady of the Gu family were all dead.The daughter-in-law of the Gu family, who survived by luck, was frightened and shocked, and she was a little confused. She kept saying that I killed grandma, and grandma died so miserably to protect me, and she yelled loudly. To be buried with the old lady.

Isn't this nonsense, only the royal family will be buried with the dead, and there is a baby in her stomach.

The Gu family only said that she was frightened, and she survived because the old lady protected her. The blow was too great, so they couldn't think about it for a while.

The Gu family held a funeral, and Lu Qianqian, who was delirious, was sent back to the Lu family. For a while, because she was hit too hard, she was afraid that something would happen at the funeral.Everyone is busy, and no one takes care of her.The second is that she is still pregnant with the eldest grandson of the Gu family, the unborn baby should not appear at the funeral, it is easy to commit evil spirits.

The sudden and tragic death of the old Huang family left the entire Gu family in grief.

It's been the second day since Gu Youyou arrived after hearing the news.

A few days ago, the grandma who caused trouble in Jishengtang with her teeth and claws died suddenly, which made Gu Youyou feel very dazed.

Dead, just like that?She shook her head.

There is an excellent relative in the family. When she was still alive, you gritted her teeth so hard that the heavens didn't open their eyes, and a thunder took her away.But just when she was really taken away by the heavens, she had another thought in her heart.

Gu Youyou felt very strange, and felt inexplicably sad.

That flamboyant and domineering old lady just died without warning.

In fact, apart from being stingy, loving to take advantage of small things, and hating her granddaughter very much for no reason, she doesn't seem to have done anything harmful to the sky.

If I had known she would go so soon, could she have endured her unreasonable troubles and treated her better?

It's a pity that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, and the child wants to support but the relatives don't wait!

There is no chance to see that vexatious old lady again.

Jin Zijin patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't be sad, I heard it was an accident, the frightened horse bumped into her, fell into the ravine together and was crushed to death by falling rocks."

"Sad? What do I have to be sad?" The old lady who caused trouble for no reason, she hates me.

"Duplicity!" Jin Zijin said indifferently.

It made Gu Youyou feel even more sad.

Isn't it just the death of a relative, the four parents have died in two lifetimes, so what if the grandmother who hates me dies?
Gu Feng was a little tottering under the support of his third uncle. The whole room was full of relatives in filial piety. They knelt in front of the desk with gongs and drums in the ashram, and kowtowed from time to time. This is a local custom.

Seeing Gu Youyou, she was sensitive and immediately felt the unfriendly eyes of everyone, and she felt a little baffled.

After all, she is the married daughter of the Gu family. Grandma died, and you sent people to notify me, so I came too.I just came here to see grandma for the last time according to the local customs, so is there any need to look at me like an enemy?
I'm not here to eat.

In the dojo, everyone can't talk casually, so everyone just looked at her unfriendlyly and didn't say anything.

 Every family will have one or two excellent relatives who make people speechless. When she goes too far, other people probably scold her behind her back, but when she is really unlucky, they scold and help at the same time.

  Because in fact, most people in this world are kind, at least they have a sharp mouth and a tofu heart!Well, the baby is talking about you.

(End of this chapter)

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