Chapter 317
Jin Zijin was still a little embarrassed, met Gu Youyou's expectant eyes, he sighed, and said, "We are running for our lives now, going to the south."

Gu Youyou: "...?"

"Their arrangements are more comprehensive than we imagined. I didn't expect that the importance of you, the medicine man, will soon surpass that of the man in the mountain."

Yue Rujing, who was driving outside, also added, "No, they are really willing to spend their money. I don't think they are robbing people. They clearly see that we are not pleasing to the eye, and they want to take the opportunity to take the pot of us."

Gu Youyou: "..."

Jin Zijin turned his head away, and said calmly to the moon like a mirror: "It's none of your business, just drive hard."

Turning around, he continued to say to Gu Youyou: "Don't worry, I've already told Qin Changlin that if the Gu family finds you, they'll tell you that you have an urgent patient who went out overnight. I'll take you to the hospital when the south is safe. You go back to Lianhua Village and explain to Grandpa yourself."

He could still think so thoughtfully about escaping for his life, Gu Youyou slightly curled the corner of his mouth, revealing a slight smile.

"Thank you!" She thought for a while and said again, "I really didn't mean to."

It's rare for Gu Youyou to explain things patiently to others. She never needs to explain things to anyone, even if she does something wrong, no one dares to say anything to her, but she has already explained it to Jin Zijin several times tonight.

Those who know me say I am worried, those who don't know me say what I want?
She believed that Jin Zijin understood what she meant, and she didn't care if he believed it or not.

Maybe it's because of Gu Youyou's explanations one after another, even if you don't believe it, you will be moved.Jin Zijin finally frowned.

"Fortunately, we're all fine, and I'm also to blame. I knew that there was something wrong with the Gu family and let you go."

For Gu Youyou, the reward of risking herself is not small.The uncle who led the two wolfish ambitions accidentally found out that the death of his parents ten years ago was related to Gu Laosan, and he even did it himself.

Grandpa said that if she had a chance, she would take revenge. When she thought that this person was Gu Laosan, she felt worried again.

How can this be revenge?If you tell the truth, grandpa might die of anger on the spot.If Gu Lao San was secretly unlucky, and seeing that his son was not good, grandpa would definitely be worried too.

Worried, piled up between her brows, Jin Zijin pushed back the hair on her forehead, gently smoothed her brows, and said in a low voice: "What else makes you frown?"

In fact, he wanted to sneer, you also know about worry?But in the end he couldn't bear to mock her.

Family ugliness can't be talked about outside, Gu Youyou is too embarrassed to talk about such a shameful thing happened to the Gu family.

The point is that it's useless to tell him.

To take revenge, it's really difficult to know how to measure.

Seeing Abao who was sitting upright from the side, Gu Youyou suddenly asked: "How did you find it?"

She was dazed, and she thought something happened to Abao.

Jin Zijin smiled lightly, "It was the one who led us to find you."

This is why Jin Zijin asked Gu Youyou to bring A Bao, he knew that A Bao had the ability.

Of course, without A Bao, he could still find Gu Youyou, but it would be slower.


"It's better to let them run away. We will have no chance after passing Tongguan. Do you want to chase them?"

The heavy rain blinded people, and the road the carriage ran was quickly washed away by the heavy rain. It was not easy to find them again and guess that their next stop was Tongguan.

But Zhuo Qing raised his hand and said, "No more chasing."

Stop chasing?So many people died, how could they be reconciled?
(End of this chapter)

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