It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 321 Do you know why I am good to Yoyo?

Chapter 321 Do you know why I am good to Yoyo?
"Are you raising? Hmph, Gu Laosan, you sound nice, don't think I don't know what's going on in your heart. It's just that I haven't caught your handle yet. Where do you think you're going to get clean?"

After yelling at Gu Lao San, Gu Lao Er hugged Gu Feng's leg and cried, "Father, you should say something, you can't ignore this matter, otherwise our family will be harmed by Lao San. "

Gu Feng still didn't speak, and he didn't give him a good face, his attitude was very clear.

He was afraid that he would be discouraged as soon as he spoke, and would be pissed to death by this unfilial son.

Seeing that it was useless to cry and beg, Gu Laoer wiped away his tears, and his face was not looking good.

He said coldly: "Father, you are eccentric, too eccentric. If only mother was still alive, mother would not see you treating me like this. I made a mistake, I admit it, but Erbao Sanya It's innocent, you can protect Gu Youyou for more than ten years, but turn a blind eye to other grandchildren. You want to ruin our family for Gu Youyou, dad, you are so cruel!"

"You and your wife didn't do it!" Gu Feng almost fainted from anger, and coughed violently.Gu Laosan hurriedly patted him on the back, and asked Meng Qiuju to bring him some water to make him feel better.

Suppressing his anger, Gu Feng sighed: "Second brother, do you know why I prefer Yoyo?"

Gu Laoer was stunned.

He glanced at the others one by one, and finally his eyes fell on Gu Laosan, and asked: "Lao San, do you know why I am partial to Yoyo?"

The third child twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Yuyou has never had a father or mother since she was a child. If her father didn't favor her, she would have no way of living."

Gu Feng nodded lightly, and said: "That's right, Yoyo is not like Erya and Sanya, unlike Dabao and Sanbao, they all have parents who love her, she has no parents to love, if I am like you, I will never wait to see her , she has no way out.

You always say that I am eccentric and gave her all the good things, but have you ever thought about where our family has so many properties and a house with such a large yard?They were all earned by your eldest brother and sister-in-law when they were alive. Those good things originally belonged to Yoyo.Shouldn't you sit back and enjoy the benefits and treat her better? "

Hearing what Gu Feng said, they all lowered their heads in shame.

Gu Feng said again: "It's not that I want to send you two to the Yamen, but that I have to. If I let you go, it would be unfair and unfair to Yoyo. Shame to see your big brother and sister-in-law." He waved his hand and said: "You go, as long as you are safe and sound, it's nothing serious, at worst, you will be beaten up and locked up for another year or so. We will help you with your children. Keep it up. Clean up your mind in prison, admit your mistakes, and be a good man when you come back.”

That's all he said, nothing more to say.

"Third brother, help me go back to rest." After staying up all night, his body was tired and sleepy. In order to allow himself to live longer, he could live to wait for Yoyo to come back, and to wait for these two beasts to come back. He had to rest.

Gu Laoer was pushed over again, fearing that he would run away, and some villagers tied him up with ropes.

He had already given up, Gu Feng would not spare them, he fell to the ground, and let the villagers discuss how to tie him up without delaying his walking, and how to tie him up firmly.

There were also people who tied Huang Xiangwen and Liu Dazhuang, and the person who tied the rope laughed in a low voice: "Liu Dazhuang, I didn't expect you to commit another crime in less than a year after you came out. This time it's not as easy as last time. It won't be so easy if you go in again." If you are imprisoned for two years, you must be imprisoned for at least ten years. If you come out after ten years, your life will be over."

(End of this chapter)

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