It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 361 Patients with hidden diseases

Chapter 361 Patients with hidden diseases
Yue Rujing said: "That's right, she doesn't have a patient, and even she is idle, so why do you need apprentices?"

Jin Zijin always felt uneasy facing Yoyo alone.

It's not easy to open a medical clinic. When no one is seeing a doctor, it's often not too busy to come here, but she can't resist the pressure in her heart alone.

He said: "Yuyou is new here, so she is not familiar with Lingnan City."

"Hey, hello!" Yue Rujing had a weird expression on her face, "I said senior brother, since when did you become a mother-in-law? Boss Gu is more decisive than you. She even said that you don't need your help. I really don't worry, I will give her Find an apprentice."

Gu Youyou didn't want Yue Rujing to find an apprentice, and said angrily: "Go, go, go, who wants you to find an apprentice."

She chased Yue Rujing and Jin Zijin out together like a fly.

The two of them went to stay in the barracks, so that they would have no time to trouble Jin Ziyuan.

I just hope that he can find that important thing soon and leave sooner.

Uh, it looks like she's having a bit of a struggle.

"Sister Youyou, who are you chasing away?" Ban Xia was busy in the backyard, when she heard Gu Youyou's voice of chasing people away, she hurried out to look.

Gu Youyou said: "It's nothing, a beggar."


Ban Xia thought that she had opened a medical clinic and hadn't done business yet, and all the beggars came, so they should be driven away.

Huh, that's not right, she clearly heard some apprentice.

Well, all beggars come to recruit apprentices, so they should be driven away.

"Hey, I've made breakfast, where's Brother Jin?"

When Ban Xia mentioned this, Gu Youyou remembered that Jin Zijin hadn't eaten yet, so she drove her away.

well!do not care.

"Let's eat, he has something to go out."

Today is the second day of Jishengtang's opening, and it is still deserted. From time to time, people passing by point to the gate and mutter, anyway, those words are not pleasant.

Gu Youyou didn't care, she was happy to be leisurely, she was teaching Pinellia to make some pills and some ointments.

This Ban Xia has a sad expression on her face.

"Sister Youyou, we don't have any patients, what should we do?"

Gu Youyou smiled and said, "That's good, it means that the people in Lingnan City are all in good health."

Ban Xia was choked for a long time and could not speak.

Does this have anything to do with the health of the people in Lingnan City?

The setting sun was getting stronger, the sky was getting darker, the pedestrians on the street became bustling, the lights of the night market were gradually hung up, and Jishengtang finally welcomed the first patient on the second day of its opening.

It was a middle-aged woman with a cloth covering her head. She took off the cloth after entering the house.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Gu Youyou took the initiative to ask.

The woman looked flustered, and was a little embarrassed. After struggling again and again, she lowered her voice and asked, "Do you not charge for any medical treatment here?"

Gu Youyou pointed to the sign that Banxia was moving into the house, and said, "Of course, I keep my word."

"Then..." She seemed a little embarrassed, Gu Youyou was no stranger to this appearance, she had some unspeakable hidden disease.

Gu Youyou didn't urge her, but patiently waited for her to speak.

She knows this kind of psychology too well, the more you press her, the more embarrassed she will be, and she might run away without saying anything.

"Don't worry, sit down first, speak slowly, and then speak after you think about it."

Gu Youyou asked the eldest sister to sit on the stool for the patient, and called Ban Xia to bring a cup of hot water.

Drinking a sip of hot water will make you feel better when you are nervous.

After drinking half a cup of hot water, the woman spoke slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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