It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 366 2 Ya's Marriage Is Coming Soon

Chapter 366 Arya's marriage is coming soon
There is nothing wrong with saying that flowers are planted intentionally but they will not bloom, but willows are planted unintentionally to make shade.

Gu Youyou accidentally became a gynecologist, overtly and secretly, which actually saved her a lot of trouble.

Lingnan is a big city, so it is naturally impossible for the doctor to be Gu Youyou's Jishengtang family.

In addition, there are two century-old brands, three small medical clinics for subsistence, and five pharmacies that do not see doctors but only dispense medicines.

Seeing the opening of Jishengtang, those eyes were all on her.

From being a joke at the beginning to now that her business is getting better and better, they can't sit still.

One said nervously, "Shall we teach her a lesson? She's an outsider..."

An old man raised his hand, stopped the man from continuing, and said, "No, she treats women's diseases, so what's the difference between her and Ling's doctor in Yanliu Lane? Wouldn't it be self-degrading to fight her? Let's see See, as long as she doesn't see many other illnesses, it won't make things difficult for her."

"Oh, but it's not just a woman's disease that those women seek her to see a doctor. Now everyone in Lingnan City knows that Jishengtang is a female doctor. They feel that it is always inconvenient to seek medical treatment from a man, and they see her for everything."

Is this worth it?There are many women in Lingnan City, and women are more likely to get sick than men. Is she trying to steal half of the business?

The old man frowned.

Gu Youyou fiddled with the abacus, calculating this month's income and expenditure.

To be honest, she doesn't like to use the abacus, and it's a bit jerky to use it.But there is no way, there is no electronic calculator or electronic form here, and all accounts are calculated by manpower. Abacus is the best choice under limited conditions.

"Oh, there is no need for apprentices, it is best to have a professional accountant."

Jin Zijin turned on the oil lamp for her and said, "If you want to invite a female gentleman."

Gu Youyou raised her head and asked, "Why?"

"We need to hire a male accountant to influence the business."

Gu Youyou: "..." It seems that she is a famous gynecologist.

According to the awkward temperament of the ancients, what Jin Zijin said was very reasonable.If there was a man sitting here, I don't know how many women would be embarrassed to come in.

"Take Ah Bao to the barracks tomorrow?"

"Well, Ah Bao is scary in the hospital."

It's almost Chinese New Year in a blink of an eye, and Ah Bao is as big as an adult wolf, which is really scary.

Jin Zijin added: "There are some ferocious mastiffs raised in the barracks, and Ah Bao had a great time playing with them."

Gu Youyou frowned, put down the pen, smiled wryly, and said, "I actually prefer to see Abao fluttering butterflies."

Unexpectedly, Jin Zijin planned to turn Abao into a fighting wolf dog.

After putting away the account book, Gu Youyou turned her attention to a package next to her, and said, "Calculate the date, Erya and Shunzi's marriage is coming soon, right? Those are the gifts I prepared for them, you can see if they are suitable."

There was no letter from Qingshui Town for a long time, Jin Zijin looked blank.

I remember that it was said in the last letter that the marriage between Erya and Shunzi was going to fail, and Shunzi's family didn't want a daughter-in-law like Erya.

Dad was a beast who killed his eldest brother and sister-in-law, and mother committed suicide again. If she married, she would have to bring a young brother with her.

With such a condition as hers, even a decent family would not want to ask for it, so the marriage would most likely fail as well.

"Yuyou, you don't need anything."

If you have to ask someone to send it back, isn't that exposing someone's scars?
 Who said that my hero's name was wrong, I can't find that comment.

  Ah, thank you for pointing it out, I did make a mistake, the bad thing is that I made a mistake in the thesaurus, so when I even typed the thesaurus, it was all wrong, only a single word was correct.

  It's a big project to change, so let's just do it in the front, and I'll change it all later.

  I'm really sorry, everyone, I'm lazy and didn't review the manuscript carefully! !

(End of this chapter)

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