Chapter 379

When Gu Youyou took the first step, he didn't smile sarcastically, and he didn't even underestimate her.Up to now, he has not had an ugly face, just like a truly qualified chess spectator.

He is only responsible for watching, and it doesn't matter who wins or loses.

Yue Ruxue's expression froze, she immediately got on the horse on the other side, and the next step, she was going to get out of the cart, and she also wanted to use a cart to control half of the opponent's country.

But how can there be such a good thing in the world?Gu Youyou had already fired a cannon on the opposite side, just waiting for her horse to come up and use it as a cannon.After taking this step, her horse couldn't move, and the cart didn't dare to move at all. If the cart moved, her king would be forced out of the palace.

In this way, it is equivalent to controlling the other half of the country.

During the New Year's Eve, the house where the earth dragon was burned was extremely cold, but beads of sweat appeared on Yue Ruxue's face.

Brother Zijin was standing next to him, losing to this village girl in front of him, what face would she have to see him in the future?

"You, with your despicable moves, are you capable of fighting me for real?" Yue Ruxue said angrily.

Gu Youyou smiled lightly, and sent her four words, "Soldiers never tire of cheating!"

If you don't know how to cheat, how dare you say that you are a military general, and you dare to go into battle to kill the enemy?
Might as well stay at home and embroider.

Yue Ruxue was so angry that she got out of the car regardless.As long as the rook comes out, it can form a fierce offensive with the double cannons, so what if the other chess pieces don't move, it's all for you.

Naturally, Gu Youyou would not be polite, so she went straight down to eat for a while, and Yue Ruxue realized that the situation was not as simple as forcing the king out of the palace. The opponent still had a cart on the other side, so the king couldn't get out at all, so helpless , she had to send out one soldier.

But walking around, she found that her car still hadn't started, because Gu Youyou didn't give her any time to start the car at all. A chess piece.

This... such a complete loss?
At the end, there is no piece left on the entire chessboard?It's all Gu Youyou's.

This is not winning chess, this is clearly a humiliation.

Yue Ruxue, who wanted to humiliate Gu Youyou, burst into tears. She had never lost so badly since she was a child.

Even if the eldest brother wants to win her chess, he will definitely not dare to let her lose so badly that there will be no pieces left.

Who in this world would dare to eat her to death?
The people in the room were silent, the little girl helped the weeping Yue Ruxue to the side, the old lady said to her sternly: "Axue, winning or losing is a common thing in military affairs, it's just losing a game, why cry? "

Naturally, she was also unhappy. Losing one of the chess pieces and eating all the other chess pieces was too ugly.

Jin Zijin thought it was funny, and thought: She really has an unforgiving temper.

Lord Yue Hou laughed, and his smile immediately broke the embarrassment in the field.

"Axue is arrogant, and it's time for someone to rub her spirits. Otherwise, she will always be a frog in a well, and she doesn't understand the truth that there are heavens and people outside the world."

Goodbye to Gu Youyou, with an admiration on his face, he said: "Doctor Gu plays sophistry in chess, is unpredictable, and he is also a good player. If there is a chance someday, the old man also wants to ask Doctor Gu for advice."

Gu Youyou bowed down again and again in fear, and said: "It's Youyou's good fortune to be able to get the guidance of Lord Hou, how can you bear the word of asking for advice?"

Marquis Yue laughed again, then turned to look at the other ladies, and said, "A Shuang, you are no match for Doctor Gu, I think this chess game will stop here. Come on, bring your pen and ink. "

(End of this chapter)

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