Chapter 381

"Eldest sister, you must win the competition of painting skills, and you can't let her be proud anymore."

To be honest, Gu Youyou's performance made her feel uncertain, so Yue Rushuang didn't respond directly, she only said that I would do my best.

Several young ladies painted together, and all their hopes were on the young lady, so the others just painted casually.

As long as the eldest lady wins, it's fine if they lose.

The young Miss Fourth was the happiest. She didn't understand what these older sisters were fighting for, she only knew how to wipe and wipe with her little hands, hoping to dye the entire drawing paper with the color she liked.

Gu Youyou frowned, because she was not very good at drawing with a brush, so she asked the servant for some charcoal.

The servant was slightly surprised, not knowing what Gu Youyou wanted charcoal for.

But after seeing Lord Hou who was seated above nodding to him, he quickly went to get it.

"What kind of moth is she trying to fix?" Mrs. Hou said dissatisfiedly.

The old lady said: "Just look, Shuang'er and the others have already started, but she hasn't moved yet."

After the words fell, Gu Youyou started to move.

She has already figured out what she will draw. She has studied fashion design before, but she is not good at painting mountains and rivers, but she can still draw people.

Gu Youyou took out the small bucket of paint with a brush, and mixed different colors on the table.

The others looked over in surprise, seeing that she had mixed so many colors, they were also curious about what she was planning to paint.

They paint nothing more than flowers, plants, mountains, rivers and rivers. How many colors can they use?There is not enough time for a masterpiece that can use so many colors, really.

On the contrary, Miss Fourth used a lot of colors in her hand-painted paintings.

After a while, the person with charcoal came.

Gu Youyou thanked her, looked at the burning green incense, and dropped the charcoal neatly.

Her movements were quick, her hands moved together, from a distance, she was wiping with one hand and the other.I don't know what kind of painting she was messing with, but she used charcoal?

Yue Rujing couldn't help but be curious, and ran to Gu Youyou to look.

On the snow-white paper in front of her, the outline of a figure has appeared. Although the clothes of that person are only sketched with a few strokes, they already have a beautiful feeling.

Gu Youyou glanced at Yue Rujing, and sneered provocatively at him.

Then, I saw her taking a brush and sticking the prepared colors on the table.

I also started working with both hands, and only a little fresh water was stuck to one pen, and there was no color.

She first used the colored pen to paint a little bit, and then used another pen to lightly smudge, and the colors in the painting showed a different effect.

Don't say it looks really good, so the coloring can be done like this?

As Gu Youyou waved the pen across the paper, a stunningly beautiful picture of beauties also jumped onto the paper.

The beauty lowered her eyes, and the slender eyelashes covered half of her eyes, making her look so sad that it hurts?
Why is the beauty depressed?Because Gu Youyou painted a head of white hair for others.

It's no wonder she doesn't worry about the beautiful hair she wore when she was young.

Of course, Gu Youyou didn't know Yue Rujing's thoughts, even if he knew, he would just treat him as an ignorant bumpkin.

Qingxiang dropped the last piece of soot, just as Gu Youyou's last touch fell.

A few maids carried the paintings of several people together to show to the people on the high platform, and when they were a little further away, everyone sitting high gasped in shock at Gu Youyou's beautiful figure.

How can a person be painted so beautifully?
Those eyes, those slightly smudged red lips, and her clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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