Chapter 391 She Knows
Gu Youyou was angry, and didn't like his meek look. She pulled out her arms that were getting warmer, and said loudly: "What else is there to ask? You still don't believe me? Your junior brother has something against me, so I'm always pushing you It’s not like you don’t know about killing me. I don’t want to embarrass you. This is his territory. I dare not mess with him, but he bullies others. Well, this is what he did to me. Quickly see what it is? "

Hearing this, Jin Zijin felt his brain slow down a bit, because this was...too nonsense.

"He made it for you?"

Immediately, she immediately understood Yue Rujing's intentions.

This is really... more and more outrageous.

Looking at Gu Youyou again, she doesn't seem to understand what this is like?Thinking of this, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

This is really, she doesn't know what she should know, and she knows everything she shouldn't know.

"It's okay, just get it done," he said.

Gu Youyou: "..."

"What do you mean? What the hell are you two doing?"

If Jin Zijin also said it's okay, then it really doesn't matter.What the hell did Yue Rujing do?scare her?
Gu Youyou's complexion darkened, and she suddenly felt something bad in her heart, and when she looked at Jin Zijin again, he had that dodging look again.

She rolled up her sleeves again to look at the red mole. Why does it look like... Shou Gongsha in the TV series?

She hasn't done research on this thing, but she heard that ancient people did use this method to verify women's chastity, but in modern times, this thing has long been banned.And an operation can be faked, let alone something that only works on the principle of hormones.

But it's impossible, didn't they already...

Countless fragments gathered in his mind and slowly converged into a line. Gu Youyou's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Jin Zijin in disbelief.

" tell me, is this thing Shou Gongsha?" Her voice was trembling.

Jin Zijin never thought that Gu Youyou would misunderstand something, this thing was Shou Gongsha, and he felt that there was no need to hide it from her.

But what was the reason for the shock and sadness in her eyes?
"Yuyou!" He wanted to ask something, but he didn't know how to say it.

Because he saw the more and more palpitating sadness in her eyes.

What's up with her?
She yelled in a crying voice: "Jin Zijin, how could you do this? In your heart, is everything fake? Heh... It's ridiculous, I thought you had a quirk, but you are a complete liar. "

After a long time, this man is still not hers.

In the book, there are a lot of female protagonists who quarrel with the male protagonist because of her loss of virginity, but she is probably the only one who is still arguing with others because of her own innocence.

"When did I lie to you again?" He frowned more and more tightly.

"Get out!" Gu Youyou pushed him away angrily, and said, "You are a bastard who is more disgusting than that bastard Yue Rujing. If you don't want to, just say it. Why do you have to be hypocritical?"

If she hadn't decided that he was her first man, how could she tolerate him again and again?

The result is not, then what is she still doing by his side?Is she Gu Youyou short of a man?It's ridiculous.

Jin Zijin froze on the spot, no matter how many heads he had, he couldn't figure out what was going on in the mind of the woman in front of him.

"What do you mind? This?" Jin Zijin pointed to the red spot and said.

Gu Youyou was ashamed and angry, but she put down her sleeves and said angrily, "Hmph, I'll get rid of it tomorrow."

After all, he went upstairs in a fit of anger.

She has never been so embarrassing at such a big age, so she misunderstood.

(End of this chapter)

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