It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 405 The Invitation of Lord Yue

Chapter 405 The Invitation of Lord Yue
As soon as the medical hall opened, Gu Youyou received a post.

Gu Youyou was speechless holding this post.

It was Master Yue who sent someone to give it to her. She really couldn't figure out why Master Yue was posting a post for herself.And the timing was calculated cleverly, after Jin Zijin left.

For Master Yue, Gu Youyou only met a few times. Last time he won the chess game, Master Yue said with a smile that he would play chess with him sometime. Could it be that he asked her to play chess?
She didn't think so, it was just a joke of Lord Yuehou.

Let's listen to Jin Zijin saying that the national teacher may be going to attack Lingnan, and Lord Yuehou is still busy dealing with it. How can he find the time to send a post to himself for an appointment?

Could it be that guy Yue Rujing went home and cried to his father?
Gu Youyou's heart trembled in shock!

Immediately thought again, how could it be?Senior brother doesn't beat him to death.

So she continued to be in a daze.

"Sister Youyou, you've been in a daze, what's wrong?"

Gu Youyou shook the post with her hand, and said, "I'm really worried about whether to go or not. There are so many things going on in the medical center, so I don't want to go. I don't want to go, but I feel bad."

Naturally, Gu Youyou couldn't tell Banxia that it was Master Yue's post that embarrassed her.

After hearing this, Ban Xia hurriedly said: "If you are sister You You's friend, go there, I'm in the medical clinic, at worst we hang a sign that the clinic is closed and go out."

Gu Youyou rolled her eyes speechlessly, and said, "Fishing for three days and drying the net for two days? Opening a medical clinic like this will be over sooner or later."

Banxia didn't understand what Gu Youyou said, and when she said it, she called out sister Youyou aggrievedly.

Gu Youyou waved her hand and said, "Come on, let's do as you said, you go and see how the backyard is being repaired, and let them hurry up the construction period."

She has already bought the backyard of the biscuit shop next door, but luckily the price is not expensive.Although it is deserted, the area is large. The main reason is that it only cost 500 taels, which is weak compared to modern housing prices.

"Hey! If you don't want to go, you have to go, and you have to go quickly." Gu Youyou held the invitation and walked out the door muttering.

There was a servant of Lord Hou who took Gu Youyou with her. She sat in the carriage, and only when she got there did she realize that this was not the Hou's mansion?

Hey!This month, Lord Hou, why did you bring her to a small yard in a small alley?
The boy pushed open the door and asked Gu Youyou to come in, then closed the door again, he closed the door by himself, and Gu Youyou closed the room.

Feeling more and more strange.

Gu Youyou saw Lord Yue Hou in the small courtyard, his back was very similar to Yue Rujing, and he kissed his father and son.

He turned his face and showed her a warm smile, only then did Gu Youyou see clearly that he was holding a half-open scroll in his hand.

"Meet Lord Hou!" Gu Youyou bowed and saluted.

Master Yue Hou hummed, raised his hand, and signaled her to get up.

Gu Youyou stood up straight, staring at the painting in his hand.

Although the picture scroll was half-opened, Gu Youyou could clearly see that it was a woman in the painting, which was the ancient way of drawing pictures of beauties. Although it was beautiful, it couldn't draw people well.

Lord Yuehou said: "I invite Dr. Gu to come here today, I have something to ask for."

He used the word "I" and the word "Xiangqiu".The posture was extremely low, which made Gu Youyou, who was puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, panic, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Master Hou, you are really a spoiled girl. If you have any orders, please tell me directly. If a girl can help Lord Hou, it will be the luck of the girl."

This is the first time that Gu Youyou used the word "Minnv" to refer to herself. In the past, she used to call herself "me" no matter in front of the old lady or Lord Yue, because she didn't like those strange names in the feudal society. If she was forced by the situation, she really didn't want to Let yourself be humble.

(End of this chapter)

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