It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 424 Talking about Typhoid Fever

Chapter 424 Talking about Typhoid Fever

"First of all, separate the sick and non-sick soldiers. This is basic common sense. I believe Lord Hou has already done this."

Lord Yue Hou nodded.

Gu Youyou glanced at dozens of doctors in the hall, and said: "Most of you probably have never seen typhoid fever, but have only heard of its severity, so let me tell you what typhoid fever is first."

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you, with complicated eyes.

Hearing her say that, does that mean she has seen typhoid fever?If so, then there is probably some truth in what she said.

"Doctor Gu, please tell me."

Gu Youyou nodded, and said: "Typhoid fever symptoms are divided into four stages. Most of the onsets are slow. The initial symptoms are fever, which will continue to increase over time. Please ask the Marquis of the Moon to pass down instructions, and all soldiers who find themselves starting to have a fever immediately report, consciously go to the doctor for diagnosis and treatment, and if the diagnosis is typhoid, they will be assigned to live in the sick area."

Lord Yue Hou nodded and said, "The initial symptom was indeed a fever."

Being told by Gu Youyou, he trusted her a little.

"The first period is about five to seven days. In the second period, the patient will continue to have high fever, loss of appetite will be obvious, thick and greasy tongue coating, abdominal discomfort. Relatively slow and heavy pulse. Mental aspect..."

She pointed to her head and said to the doctors: "Patients will be unresponsive and comatose.... Pale red rashes can be seen on the skin of the chest and abdomen. This period is the most dangerous. Such seriously ill patients must be placed alone. under the supervision of a doctor."

Everyone looked at each other, sweating profusely just listening to it.

I only know that this disease is really serious.

"As long as the second period is passed, the patient will enter the third period. In the third period, the patient's body temperature will gradually drop, and the symptoms will gradually alleviate. But be careful, there may be a small number of patients with intestinal bleeding."

Some people sneered, this is easy to say, but how many people can survive the second period.

"The fourth period is the recovery period. The patient's body temperature is normal, and the discomfort on the body disappears, but he has not recovered. He will continue to be isolated from uninfected people until one month later."

Unexpectedly, it will take a month to recover when everything is cured, and everyone is dumbfounded.

Gu Youyou continued to say calmly: "What I'm talking about is the normal course of the disease. If there is no cure or improper treatment, the patient will die in the second course of the disease."

Ignoring everyone's complex gazes, she took out a large stack of paper, handed it directly to Yue Rujing, and said, "I have written the prescriptions for each stage, please let me ask you to copy a few more copies so that you Doctors have a copy, and treat them according to the above. However, the treatment cannot be cured step by step, and the situation of each patient is different. If you encounter a patient with a special situation, please decide according to the actual situation. , call me if you’re not sure.”

Her prescriptions are all ready?

The audience was in an uproar and stared out their eyes.

Only Yue Rujing, who had been frightened several times by Gu Youyou, calmed down and took the prescription.

As soon as he took it, Gu Youyou took out another copy.

She said: "This is what needs to be prepared, and how to do defense and disinfection work."

After finishing speaking, he took out a few more masks, this month Rujing is no stranger.

She said: "Everyone who comes into contact with patients must wear this kind of mask. If conditions permit, please ask Lord Yue to let everyone in the army wear one. Those who have never worn it may find it uncomfortable to wear, but Xiao Minger It's your own, and it can help reduce the chance of infection."

 If it is wrong, reject the textual research party

(End of this chapter)

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