It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 430 The Man Behind the City Lord

Chapter 430 The Man Behind the City Lord
"Sister Youyou, Sister Youyou, have you heard what the storyteller said about you?"

Ban Xia went out and walked around, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

In the past two days, Gu Youyou didn't dare to open the shop, claiming that she hadn't returned for many days, that many medicinal materials in the medical center needed to be put away, and that she had been tired for many days and needed to rest.

One of the main reasons is that she is afraid that the threshold will be broken, and the second is that she wants to wait for everyone to come back.

She was in the barracks before, and Jin Zijin also lived in the barracks.Now that she is back, Jin Zijin is also back, and she is staring at the golden plaque in a daze, presumably worrying about what to do with it.

In fact, Gu Youyou also wanted to stare at the golden plaque in a daze, she was also worried.The city lord said that it was a gift from the emperor, and this thing must be hung to show respect for the imperial power.

And it can't be hung under her Jishengtang three characters, it has to be hung above it, and it has to be conspicuous.

At the time of the decoration, I didn't think about hanging two plaques, just one plaque position, so if this one is hung, the other one can only be removed.

It's too strange to hang the word "miracle doctor" on the gate.

Gu Youyou became sad when she thought about it, and her head turned gray.

"Have you figured out what to do with it?" Gu Youyou was opening the box Qin Changlin sent her when she suddenly heard Jin Zijin's voice.

She put down the box, walked up to Jin Zijin and stood side by side with him, and said weakly: "It would be great if it was a solid plaque, I haven't thought about it, what about you?"

Jin Zijin's eyes flickered, and he looked at her.

Apparently their worries were different.

Gu Youyou said again: "It's from the emperor, this thing must be hung. Sigh! If it's not possible, I'll make a signboard and hang it by the door. Oh, no, no, it's too ugly. Hey, otherwise, this thing is not Must it be hung higher than my signboard, or should we hang it under the window on the second floor, is it high enough to be conspicuous?"

Jin Zijin sneered and said, "It's up to you."

Seeing his unkind face, Gu Youyou sighed again.

"The problem really isn't the plaque itself. I feel like I've been tricked this time. It's just that the city lord... We don't seem to have offended him, right? Why did he make me a target?"

Jin Zijin said in a deep voice: "Because he is just a chess piece, and we offend the people behind him."

"The person behind, didn't you say that Zhang Quansheng is the emperor's man? Could it be..." Gu Youyou looked at him in surprise.

Jin Zijin said: "Yes, it seems that he is only the emperor's eyes in Lingnan to monitor Lord Hou on the surface, but in fact he has another owner."

Many things are connected together in the mind, and the truth slowly emerges. Gu Youyou sneered just like Jin Zijin did just now, and said: "In this way, the epidemic is not accidental, but man-made, and the purpose is to I."

Jin Zijin nodded approvingly, and said: "In the recruitment at the end of February, those with typhoid fever should have been sent in by him at that time. He intended to use typhoid fever to weaken the Lingnan garrison, and then provoke Nanzhao and Lingnan garrison. Then the Lingnan garrison, which had just experienced an epidemic and suffered heavy casualties, was bound to lose.

But man is not as good as God, he miscalculated, firstly, he did not expect that when the epidemic just started, the frontier armies of the two countries would clash again, and that small-scale war would take this opportunity to infect Nanzhao Kingdom with typhoid fever soldiers.Both sides suffered from typhoid fever, and the method of relying on typhoid fever to weaken the Lingnan garrison, and then slowly figured it out was shattered.

The second is that he didn't expect that you really solved the epidemic, and the Lingnan garrison had no losses at all, and we deliberately delayed half a month to provide the prescription to Nanzhao, which caused heavy casualties to Nanzhao soldiers.That plaque is a spare, I thought it would not be used, but I didn't expect it to be used, so there is only a plaque, no imperial decree. "

(End of this chapter)

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