Chapter 454 He Arranged
She said she was not going to cry, but she still burst into tears, choking with sobs.

Shunzi came over and gently comforted her: "Didn't the eldest sister say not to get too excited, not to cry."

After crying for a while, she nodded and stopped slowly.

"Sister, they all said that my father killed my uncle and aunt. I thought you would hate me when you found out, but I didn't expect that you have been taking care of us behind our backs. If it weren't for you, I might have gone to Qingshui with my mother." River, can't live now."

Jin Zijin has been in correspondence with Qin Changlin for more than a year, and he takes care of their siblings in the name of Gu Youyou.

Shunzi also said, "Yes, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't know where we are now."

Gu Youyou looked at the neatly tidied yard and said with a smile: "We didn't help much, you all did it yourself. Shunzi, you have been taking care of the vegetable and medicine fields in our yard all the time .”

"Hey!" Shunzi was not very good at talking, he just scratched his head with a dry smile.

Sanbao was still timidly standing aside, Gu Youyou beckoned to him, he walked over hesitantly, and entered the room together.

Shunzi is a diligent and capable person. After they took over the house, they enlarged the house and built an extra house later.

It is also fate, this house was originally built by Shunzi and Jin Zijin, Shunzi thought for Jin Zijin, saying that they would have children in the future, so they had to build an extra room.

Jin Zijin knew very well in his heart whether he and Gu Youyou would have children, so he refused to establish it.

Shunzi kept an eye out and decided to keep all the piles in the other room, just waiting for Gu Youyou to get pregnant before building it, but he didn't expect that he would live in it and use it.

They ate together, unexpectedly there was fish on the table, although it was not as delicious as Gu Youyou's, but at least it wasn't fishy.

None of them mentioned the bad things until the meal was over.

Gu Youyou stood up, patted Er Ya's shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, Eldest Sister will seek justice for you."

"Elder Sister!" Er Ya lowered her head and said awkwardly: "No need, actually we're used to it, after all, it was indeed my father who did it, and I stayed by Grandpa's side that day." She glanced at Shunzi , and said: "Just let Shunzi follow us and be looked down upon by others."

"Why are you here again? Didn't you say you didn't mention these things!" Shunzi said.

Gu Youyou smiled, and said: "Shunzi is a kind and righteous person, if you keep talking about these things, it would be a waste of his heart. Besides...they are not worthy."

Erya raised her head and looked at Gu Youyou suspiciously: "What?"

Gu Youyou only smiled and said, "You will know tomorrow."

In the afternoon, Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin went back to the town together, and it was already dark after dinner.

They were used to cuddling each other and talking about things in the dark bed, and today was no exception.

"Zi Jin, thank you for more than a year, you have arranged it very well."

Jin Zijin said, "I just did it according to your wishes, how can you thank me?"

"What do I mean?" Gu Youyou was slightly startled.

For more than a year, she didn't know anything about what happened in Qingshui Town.

Jin Zijin said with a smile: "Do you still remember that I asked you something before, I asked you if a person has an enmity with another person's parents, does she have an enmity with that person?"

"Ah?" Gu Youyou felt that his question was familiar.

(End of this chapter)

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