It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 515 Talk about the rebellion of the three kings

Chapter 515 Talk about the Rebellion of the Three Kings
"Doctor Gu, I've heard of it too. I heard that last year there was a typhoid epidemic in the Lingnan military camp. You must have cured it. The emperor even personally rewarded him with a plaque for the miracle doctor."

"You have come to the capital now, that's great. In the future, we don't have to go to the old man when we are sick. It's embarrassing. We can just go to Doctor Gu."

"Yes, I will also look for Dr. Gu in the future."

Lin Qianqing said happily over there: "No problem, my cousin is a miracle doctor, and the medicine will come out when she is sick. In the future, when you are sick, come to Jishengtang to take care of business."

In a blink of an eye, the nature of plum appreciation has changed.Grandma didn't have the romantic encounter she was looking forward to, so Lin Qianqing got her a bunch of potential patients somewhere.

"Okay, it will open the day after tomorrow, right?"

"That's right, the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll send someone a big gift the day after tomorrow, Doctor Gu, don't dislike it."

"Great, it's much more convenient to have a female doctor. You don't know. I was sick in ten years and needed acupuncture. Acupuncture required undressing. My mother asked that doctor Xue to give me an acupuncture. I was embarrassed and would rather die." If I don’t, I’ll be fine after drinking the medicine for more than two months. If Dr. Gu came instead, I wouldn’t have to suffer that.”

"Oh, that's really a pain!"

Ladies and gentlemen, Gu Youyou couldn't get in the conversation at all.

After a few layers of flowers and trees, the moon wrapped tightly like a mirror was winking at her.Gu Youyou's heart skipped a beat, Yue Rujing is here, so Jin Zijin is also here, right?
Looking for an affair?

This word came out of Gu Youyou's mind, making her tremble in shock.

Gu Youyou lowered her head and said to Lin Qianqing: "You wait for me here for a while, I will come as soon as I go."

Lin Qianqing understood when she saw the white clothes flashing past among the flowers and trees, and replied softly, "Okay."

Gu Youyou followed behind Yue Rujing, and walked into the depths of the flowers like a maze, and Jin Zijin really came.

He sat on the edge of a steaming clear spring, and turned around slowly when he heard footsteps.

Yue Rujing said unhappily: "Here, I brought it for you!"

After finishing speaking, Yue Rujing turned around and left, and even hummed at Gu Youyou: "Sexy!"

Gu Youyou: "..." She was just enjoying a flower, who did she provoke?
"Why are you here?" Gu Youyou asked.

"Guessing that you will come, I will come of course." Jin Zijin said.

Gu Youyou laughed, walked up to him and sat down, said: "I didn't want to come, it was my grandmother's idea. Well, she said I am not young, you understand what I mean."

Jin Zijin's eyes were as dark as thick ink, but he nodded and said: "Although ladies from rich families don't stick to marrying Jiji, it's really rare for someone like you to be born in a boudoir at the age of twenty."

"Oh, you know that too. How about...can you analyze the current situation for me?"

"The situation?" Jin Zijin smiled and said, "Which aspect do you want to hear?"

"For example..." Gu Youyou thought about it seriously, and said: "I heard that the third prince rebelled more than ten years ago, and his house was ransacked. I don't know if the house was confiscated? They still have a chance to start again."

Jin Zijin said calmly: "You want to ask Jin Ziyuan if he will rebel?"

Gu Youyou was stunned for a moment, and said slowly: "You are really... You pretend to be confused when you should be smart, and you try to point it out when you should be confused. It's so boring."

He curled the corner of his mouth and said, "Okay then, I'll tell you about the rebellion of the Three Kings."

Back then, the late emperor was still a prince, and he lost his mother's protection early on. When the empress passed away, he was only ten years old.

 After reviewing the old book and reading the comments from readers, I realized that I had written so many tear-jerking jokes, and successfully made myself cry! !

  Uh-huh! !I remember that I wrote pet articles, what's going on? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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