It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 517 On the current situation

Chapter 517 On the current situation

Jin Zijin's meaning was already obvious, Gu Youyou nodded slightly.

"The method of abandoning the car to protect the handsome, the five princes hold heavy soldiers, and their strength is still there. It's just that the third prince is lost!"

"That's right!" Jin Zijin said, "Perhaps the matter is far more than that simple. The rebellion of the third prince more than ten years ago involved a lot. Except for the fifth prince and the third princess who killed their relatives righteously, the other princes who participated in the rebellion were all dead. Three of the emperor's own younger brothers died."

Every glorious throne of imperial power is laid by dense white bones, and the most bloodshed is the royal family.

Jin Zijin stood up, went to a plum tree, picked up a few dead branches, and walked back slowly.

Gu Youyou said: "The emperor has deep thoughts, he is going to use that opportunity to eradicate dissidents, but the fifth prince can take care of himself alone, but it is not easy."

"That's right." Jin Zijin nodded, "The Fifth Prince's righteous act of annihilating relatives broke the emperor's desire to kill him."

"But since outsiders can see that the fifth prince is using the method of giving up the car to protect the handsome, with the wisdom of the current emperor, wouldn't he not know?"

Jin Zijin broke off a few dead branches and slowly piled up something on the ground.

Seeing that she was curious, Gu Youyou also paused.

From a distance, they look like two children who are still young at heart.

"After all, he is a prince. If the emperor wants to move him, he must have a suitable reason. Of course he knows it, but there is no suitable opportunity." Jin Zijin sneered: "The old round of seizing the throne is over, and the new round will also be slow." Start slowly. As long as there is imperial power, the struggle for imperial power will never end. He kept the fifth prince, but he didn't find a chance to eradicate him for a while, and the second is to keep other forces in check."

Speaking of this, Jin Zijin's piles were also piled up, and he said: "The current court hall is like this tall tower made of tree branches!"

Looking at this pile of wooden sticks, the corners of Gu Youyou's mouth twitched.

Well, let's consider it a tower.

"If you don't move, you will be stable!" After speaking, he suddenly reached out and pulled out a small wooden stick, and said, "If you move, it will collapse."

He took away the small wooden stick, and the tower that had been erected for a while fell down in a pile.

"Since I'm smart, I've worked so hard to maintain the balance of court and court for many years, but it's so fragile that it can affect my whole body."

Gu Youyou stared blankly at Jin Zijin's contemptuous expression.

What he despises is the current emperor, this is really... outspoken.I don't know if it's because he is a Taoist, or because he himself doesn't want to see the current emperor.

Gu Youyou has been here for quite a while, she looked at the sky, stood up, chuckled and said, "It's getting late, I have to go back first, see you at night."

"Well, see you tonight!" Jin Zijin responded with a smile.

See you tonight?Why do you feel weird?

Lin Qianqing, who had been waiting for Gu Youyou for a long time, finally saw her come back, and jumped excitedly.

"Cousin, where have you been, but you are back."

It was getting late, and people returned to the city in groups of three or four.

Gu Youyou apologized: "I met a friend and said a few more words, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Gu Youyou's being so polite made Lin Qianqing feel uncomfortable.

"My sister, why are you still born?" She approached Gu Youyou with a sneaky smile, and said, "I saw who you went with, you and Yue Shizi..."

"Stop!" She couldn't be allowed to make up her mind, "Seeing is not believing, it wasn't him."

"Who is that……?"

"I can't tell you for the time being, which side of the grandmother should say, you should understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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