It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 525 I'm just a little weak

Chapter 525 I'm just a little weak

Well, I'm about to turn my face around, since it's just a matter of finding some food, it's really a trivial matter.

"You said, the food they eat is not something strange."

"No, no." Gu Youyou said with a flattering smile, "It's just some grass. I've heard you say that although that kind of grass is rare, it's not hard to find for a person of your status. This Things, you can only get them with your means, then..."

"What you want is Youying grass?" Before Gu Youyou could finish speaking, Yue Rujing said it bluntly.

"You guessed it?" Gu Youyou was surprised.

Yue Rujing's mind is not brilliant, it's rare to see him with a serious face, it's rare for people to be confused, and it's rare for him to be smart.

"I heard that you are researching medicine that can cure cold poison and inflammation poison, and now you have some strange things, so I guessed it randomly. Seeing you like this, I guessed it right."

"Well, you guessed it, can you get it?"

Yue Rujing rubbed his beardless chin with a rare serious expression, thought for a moment, and said, "How sure are you?"

Gu Youyou also became serious, showing her attitude of doing academic research in the past, and said: "There is no such thing as a certainty."

"Not sure?" Yue Rujing said in surprise: "Not sure you are so troublesome?"

Gu Youyou glanced at him and said: "This is a serious question. I really can't answer you before I make it. If you succeed, you will succeed. If you don't succeed, you will fail. When I do things, I never look at how sure it is. Just do it or not."

Yue Rujing was a little dazed, obviously, he didn't understand Gu Youyou's way of thinking, he just said: "Youying grass is something raised by Xuanzong, we don't raise this kind of pickled vegetables, so that ..."

"Don't you say you can't get it?" Gu Youyou snorted and said, "You didn't say that before. Could it be you talking big to coax me?"

"How can I say big things." Yue Rujing straightened her body and said: "I just said that Youying grass is not easy to get, but if this son makes a move, let alone Youying grass, it is the Yanchi in the palace. Huolian, it's hard for me to get it for you."

"Really?" Gu Youyou said overjoyed.

"Of course it is serious." Yue Rujing crossed her arms, complacent.

"Okay, get some more fire lotus."

Yue Rujing staggered and almost fell over.

"" His face turned red and then pale, which was really pretty. He wanted to say that she was greedy and so on, but then he thought of what he had just boasted about, so he held back so much that he didn't say a word.

"You said it's okay?" Knowing that Yue Rujing was suffering from suffocation, Gu Youyou naively made up the knife.

"Is there a problem? If you really can't do it, don't hold on, I'll ask someone else to help. After all, Yue Shizi, you are not omnipotent, are you? This is the capital city, not Lingnan."

"No, no need." Yue Rujing wanted to vomit blood, "How much do you want?"

"Ten plants and eight plants each, as many as possible." Gu Youyou said happily: "If it's not enough, you can get it later, just do your best."

Ten plants and eight plants?

The lion speaks up!

Yue Rujing felt that she had schizophrenia and couldn't straighten her legs, so she leaned against the wall all of a sudden.

"What are you doing? If it's really difficult, I'll find Zijin."

"Don't don't, don't look for senior brother." After looking for senior brother, he still has to do it in the end.Yue Rujing gritted her teeth and said, "I'm just weak, just rest for a while."

"Oh, let me prescribe a prescription for you, whether you have qi deficiency or kidney deficiency, it can make up for it."


(End of this chapter)

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