Chapter 535 Save Him
Because she can't watch Yue Rujing hang up, even if she is also poisoned, she still has to smoke.

"Get up, don't..."

Gu Youyou pressed his arm, and said: "Don't move, if I poison you to death, will I survive? Yue Shizi? You all think that I am trying to save myself. If I can't save you, I will accompany you with my life."

After finishing speaking, Gu Youyou pressed on his chest again to suck away the poisonous blood for him.

Gu Youyou understands what Yue Rujing is awkward about. He is a person of ancient thinking, so it's strange that he doesn't think about it.

But there is no way now, and she doesn't want to do it unless it is absolutely necessary.

But she is a doctor, not to mention taking drugs, she will do artificial respiration when necessary, all to save lives.

Yue Rujing had already passed out, mouthfuls of poisonous blood were being sucked out by Gu Youyou until she saw the frost on his eyebrows decrease.

Gu Youyou felt dizzy, she shook her head and straightened Yue Rujing's clothes.

She wanted to help him get dressed, but her head was so dizzy that she was afraid that she would not be able to hold on.

Looking back, Gu Youyou took out a special tool she found from the medicine box, a steel needle for injection.

This is the first time she has used this kind of needle after traveling. As expected of the capital, the craftsman's craftsmanship is very good, and they did a good job.

She took out the only ice snake serum she had prepared, and after injecting it into Yue Rujing's body, she completely lost consciousness.


Not seeing the famous doctor for a day, some prominent patients complained a lot.

"We made a special trip to see Doctor Gu. If she doesn't come out, we'll wait here."

What the patient said actually hurt the hearts of other doctors.

Gu Youyou's Jishengtang recruited two outside doctors, a male doctor who treats common typhoid fever, Yue Rujing went to another medical center to recruit Enwei and Shi, and heard two female patients complain that he didn't show up , only touched his beard and smiled deeply, and continued to diagnose and treat other patients.

The other is a female doctor in her 50s, a female doctor who retired from the palace before.It is not enough to cure other diseases, but there are some means to treat women's diseases. Many of the wives of high-ranking officials and noble families in the capital have received her favor. It is not easy to attract such a person into Jishengtang. The wife is out.

Of course, after discussing women's diseases with Gu Youyou, she also respected Gu Youyou very much, so she was willing to come.

She has been a female doctor in the palace for many years, and she has no shortage of money, so she comes out to see the doctor not for money, but for face.

But what the two women said just now made her feel ashamed. She admitted that her medical skills were not as good as Gu Youyou's, but you can't look down on people like this, can you?
Immediately, he snorted coldly in a strange way: "My lady, what kind of incurable disease are you suffering from? Do you still have to take care of Dr. Gu? Back then, my old lady, I was treating those women in the palace, and I was never so picky." of."

The implication is that your score is bigger than the ladies in the palace.

After hearing the previous sentence, the two mothers and daughters still plan not to let the old woman go, so they must have a good reasoning with her.But when they heard the words "mother in the palace", they became cautious and looked Dr. Cui up and down.

"Is this doctor from the palace?"

Dr. Cui snorted, sat upright with raised eyebrows, and calmly went to see other women.

A medicine boy next to him explained: "Mrs. Hua, Miss Hua, this is Dr. Cui, who was hired by our Jishengtang at a high price. Dr. Cui worked as a female doctor in the palace in the early years, mainly treating some diseases unique to women. .If the two of you have this kind of disease, you can go to Dr. Cui and Dr. Gu the same way.”

 The community issued a notice saying that the electric meter needs to be inspected. There will be a power outage from [-]:[-] a.m. to [-]:[-] p.m., so you can go out and surf without worry? (^?^*)
  Don't worry, it will not affect the update! !
(End of this chapter)

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