Chapter 550 Tell the Reason
Gu Youyou smiled gently and said: "I went shopping with my cousin in the garden, and it happened to be here that I ran into your maid who wanted to seek medical treatment. This is also fate."

While she was speaking, she gently inserted a long needle into Miss Du's back.

Miss Du snorted and bit her lips tightly.

Gu Youyou chatted with her to distract her attention.

"I heard that you are the serious second young lady in this mansion. How do you live in such a place?"

Gu Youyou asked directly, perhaps it should be that her voice was gentle and sweet, and her expression was focused on administering the needles, which did not arouse Miss Du's disgust.

"If a woman is not liked by her husband, it doesn't matter what she is. Whether it's the main wife or the concubine, it's all the same."

Due to illness, Miss Du's voice was very soft and weak, and she seemed to be muttering to herself. If it weren't for Gu Youyou's good ears, she might not be able to hear clearly.

Gu Youyou picked up another needle and said to her: "This acupuncture point may hurt a little, can you bear it? If you can't, bite something in your mouth."

Miss Du nodded lightly, and said, "Doctor Gu, please give the needle."

She was almost numb to the pain in her body, and she really wanted to experience the pain that was worse than death, to prove that she was still alive.

While administering the needle, Gu Youyou chatted softly with her.

"Since you know he doesn't like you, why did you marry him in the first place? It's going to be hard for the three of you, right?"

"Yeah, it's not easy for the three of them." They hated her, and he hated her for making his beloved woman a concubine and being looked down upon.She took the position of wife, so he wished that she would die.

The younger sister hated her for stealing her man, disregarding the old sisterhood, forcing her to the most remote courtyard in Jiefu, and trying her best to torture her.

A paper marriage made the three of them like this, but she didn't want to.

Gu Youyou was giving the needle, and Miss Du should be in pain, but she suddenly frowned and smiled, and said: "The marriage between me and him was established by my parents when they were alive. My father didn't care about everything before he died. Didn't say anything, just asked me to go to Mr. Xie to fulfill my mother's last wish, and only then did I know that it was actually my mother who made this marriage for me."

Maybe the needle really hurt, Miss Du stopped suddenly, and Gu Youyou saw that her hands on both sides of her body were suddenly tightened, and after a while, they were released again.

Gu Youyou casually asked: "Your mother? I heard that Xie Fu and Du Fu are family friends, why is it your mother?"

Miss Du smiled wryly: "My mother and Mrs. Xie used to be from Jinxiu City. Jinxiu City emphasizes embroidery and brocade. Most of the high-ranking officials and wealthy people in the city are descendants of major embroidery and weaving workshops. Mrs. Xie's mother's brocade family, one focuses on embroidery and the other focuses on brocade. They have always had business contacts, and they are also a century-old family.

So my mother and Mrs. Xie were close friends before they left the cabinet, and the marriage between my father and mother was made by Mrs. Xie as a matchmaker.Later...they made an engagement with the Second Young Master for me. "

When she was talking about the previous past, she still looked normal, but when she said the last sentence, her voice slowly sank again.

She didn't elaborate on how she made the engagement, only that she made the engagement.

Gu Youyou said: "Then why is it not the eldest son, but the second son?"

"The eldest son is too old, and I am about the same age as the second son."

From the beginning to the end, she called her husband the Second Young Master, Xie Zuo Zongzheng was Mr. Xie, and the second Young Master's mother was Mrs. Xie. Presumably she didn't really regard herself as the wife of the Second Young Master Xie.

(End of this chapter)

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