It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 552 Everyone Is Uncomfortable

Chapter 552
But it's not just as simple as being unfavorable to her, he won't touch her at all, so how could he have a daughter?These years, she has not been happy in Jiefu, and she is almost deserted.

Gu Youyou watched Miss Du's expression change, and was about to speak out again, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Cousin, are you okay, we have to go."

"Hey, that's good."

It's been a long time since they visited the garden, it's best not to disturb other people, especially today.

Gu Youyou packed up her things and said goodbye to Miss Du: "I'm leaving, Miss Du, so you can rest. Life is for yourself, and life is more important than anything else. If others don't make you comfortable, your blind weakness will only make you feel better." It’s better to find a way to make others uncomfortable than to make yourself more uncomfortable.”

Gu Youyou shrank her neck, suddenly feeling a little dizzy.

Did she come to persuade Miss Du to leave the couple as soon as possible, or to persuade her to stay and fight with them?
Gu Youyou's original intention was to withdraw one of the three, and the Xiefu family's back house would be considered safe.Among the three people, the other two are hot, and the one who is obviously going to quit is Miss Du.But what was her last sentence?Don't you think Jiejia is not messy enough?

well!Maybe it was because of the indignation in her heart after hearing this story, she put herself in her shoes and thought, if this matter fell on her, Gu Youyou would definitely not get out so easily.

If you don't feel comfortable, don't think about being comfortable.

Before leaving, be sure to kill those who don't make her comfortable.


The door opened, and sunlight streamed into the cold, dark room.

"Cousin, are you alright?" Lin Qianqing hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Well, it's all right." Gu Youyou said.

She gave Miss Du's servant girl, Cuiya, a medicine list, and said to her: "When you can leave this yard tomorrow, take this medicine list to Jishengtang to get medicine for your lady. If you have any difficulties, you can find three Miss."

It's not easy for the younger sister to take care of the affairs of the back house of the brother, so it's okay to take care of it once in a while.

Cui Ya fell to her knees with a plop, and cried, "Thank you, Doctor Gu, if I hadn't met you by chance, my miss... miss..."

"Okay, get up quickly." Gu Youyou said: "I have to trouble Miss Cuiya to help us find something that can climb the wall."

Cui Ya was slightly taken aback, and then remembered that the courtyard door was locked.

The servant girl had a sad face and kept wiping away her tears.

"Then please Dr. Gu and Ms. Lin wait for Cui Ya for a while."

When Cui Ya left, Lin Qianqing said angrily, "Then Aunt Du is too deceitful, and Second Brother Xie is really confused, how could he treat his first wife like this."

Gu Youyou only said indifferently: "Second Young Master Xie didn't consider Miss Du as his first wife at all, sister, you are thinking too much."

She didn't understand, she tilted her head and thought for a while, puzzled and said: "Why doesn't it count? When they got married, I came with my mother, she was married by a bright matchmaker, and worshiped heaven and earth."

Gu Youyou raised her forehead, how could she tell this 14-year-old girl that husband and wife are not as simple as praying to heaven and earth?

Cui Ya found a ladder, it looked a little old, Lin Qianqing kicked it a few times, shook it a few times, and said, "It's okay, it's pretty solid."

Seeing her professional movements, she seems to be a familiar hand.

Moving the ladder to the lower wall, Lin Qianqing walked to the edge of the ladder first, then turned to Gu Youyou and said, "Cousin, I'll go up first, and I'll pull you up later."

"Well, you go."

She was so calm, and climbed up so swiftly, I'm afraid she did such things a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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