It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 574 You are also a concubine

Chapter 574 You are also a concubine
The maid beside her persuaded: "Second young master is so active because of you, madam. When she is cured, she has to leave Jiefu. This is her chance to change her medicine."

"I'm afraid she'll go back on her word!" Aunt Du said.

The maid said: "If she dares to lie to the second young master with this matter, can the second young master spare her lightly?"

While talking, a maidservant came to report, and the porter said that Mrs. Ru, the fifth prince, had come and was waiting in the flower hall.

Aunt Du stood up in shock and said, "What? Madam Ru?"

For example, who is the wife, there are two extremes in folklore.

One is that she was greedy for life and afraid of death, betrayed her husband and son, and threw herself into the arms of the fifth prince to continue enjoying the glory and wealth.

Second, she said that she killed relatives righteously and was a great hero in suppressing chaos.

Anyway, the world has mixed opinions about her.

These are not important, the important thing is that she has a very high reputation, higher than the serious concubine of the fifth prince, and now she comes to the door, looking for that bitch again, what should I do.

The servant girl beside Aunt Du said angrily: "That bitch hit up Mrs. Ru at some point, and now Mrs. Ru wants to see her, what should I do? Hey, the second young master just happened to be away."

A look of hostility flashed in Aunt Du's eyes, and she said with a smile: "I heard that she is ill and cannot get out of the house, so we will not let her go based on this reason. The prescription was prescribed by Doctor Gu."

"Yes, ma'am!" The maid laughed.

In the flower hall, Mrs. Ru had been waiting for a long time, and then she saw a magnificently dressed woman coming.

She had also heard about Jiefu, and seeing this attire, she knew it wasn't the unfavored Second Young Mistress, but probably Aunt Du.

Thinking of this, she immediately lost face.

"Aunt Du, is your second young mistress here?"

Madam Ru is naturally not polite, if it wasn't for repairing the belt, she would not have entered the back houses of officials in the capital casually.

She knew her own gossip very well.

Aunt Du was slightly startled, she didn't know how Mrs. Ru recognized her at a glance, she hurriedly saluted, and replied in a low voice: "Mrs. Ru, my elder sister has been seriously ill recently, and now she is ill. Difficulties, I'm afraid I won't be able to see Mrs. Ru, please forgive me."

"Ill?" Mrs. Ru turned her head to the side, raising her eyebrows slightly.

If I hadn't inquired about the second young lady of the Xie family in advance, I might have really believed her words.

It is said that the Second Young Mistress is not to be favored, and the Second Young Master Xie treats her like an enemy, inside and outside of Xie Mansion, it is all controlled by Aunt Du, now it seems true.

Mrs. Ru didn't ask Auntie Du to get up, so Auntie Du had to squat down halfway, maintaining the appearance of saluting, carefully watching Mrs. Ru's reaction.

Mrs. Ru took a sip of tea, and then her eyes fell on the teacup.

The teacup is the best thing, but the tea is not so good.

That's right, what kind of taste can a concubine and aunt have?
Seeing the contemptuous look in Mrs. Ru's eyes, Auntie Du's eyes seemed to have a thorn that pierced directly into her heart.

Does she rarely see such eyes?Just because her mother is a concubine, she is a concubine, and she is a concubine after marriage, so no one thinks highly of her.

Even if the husband valued her more, no one would think highly of her.

It's okay for her to be looked down upon by those concubine daughters and wives, but this Mrs. Ru... no matter whether she is greedy for life or fear of death or some kind of hero, no matter whether she used to be the third prince's concubine or concubine, but her current status is a concubine.

Isn't the Fifth Prince's concubine also a concubine?
(End of this chapter)

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