Chapter 587 Putting Her Together

"Your problem has been dragging on for too long, and the cure will be very slow. You take these medicines home and take them first, and then come to me in a month."

"Want... for a month?" Aunt Du's face turned pale with fright when she saw the long list written by Gu Youyou, and hesitated to take it.

Gu Youyou forced the list into her hands, and said: "One month is far away, and Auntie Du is still young, maybe she will be cured after taking the medicine for a year or two, but it will be more troublesome if she gets older."

"Ah...? One or two years?" That month really wasn't a long time.

"That's right. This is a major matter related to the child. It can't be sloppy. Three times a day, the medicine must not be stopped, otherwise Auntie Du will never have a child in this life."

Aunt Du was already frightened by Gu Youyou's words and her legs became weak. If she had known it would be such a price, she would not have jumped into the pool to frame that woman. The price was too great.

But if she didn't listen to Gu Youyou, she had no other choice.She has already seen many doctors for this problem, even the imperial physician, but in the end it was useless.

Gu Youyou is her last chance.

"Then... can I be cured?"

Gu Youyou said: "As long as you treat it according to my method, the chance of being cured is very high."

Everyone's situation is different, Gu Youyou didn't say this to death.

"Okay, as long as it can be cured, Doctor Gu, thank you!"

"Aunt Du is serious. I am a doctor, and it is my duty to treat patients. But Aunt Du has to remember one thing, it is very important!"

"What?" Seeing Gu Youyou's solemn expression, Aunt Du instinctively clicked.

"I can't have sex with your husband during the treatment, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted."

Aunt Du was horrified, and said loudly: "How can this be done? I am fair and young..." A woman's youth is only a few years old, and Mr. Xie is just at the age of youth. After one or two years, everything will be over. I don't know if my soul has been hooked by some fox.

Gu Youyou's face darkened, and she snorted, "Cure is not a child's play. If Mr. Xie really pities you, why not wait for you for a year or two? If you think the child is important, then do as I tell you, otherwise you will die in the rest of your life." It’s hard to have a child of your own. If you don’t believe me, you can ask other doctors, but anyone who can cure your disease will say so.”

This Aunt Du is really pitiful and hateful. It is true that she needs to take medicine for a long time, but there is no need to confine her.The latter was added on purpose by Gu Youyou.

Aunt Du was shocked by Gu Youyou's words, tears fell down her cheeks.

She didn't pretend this time, she really cried.

She has calculated for so many years that if she loses her husband's favor because of this, everything will be over.

She is not like Du Xintong, who would not die of starvation even if Du Xintong leaves Xiejia's house.The property of the Yu family and the Du family is all in her hands, enough to feed her for a lifetime.

But she only had Xie Zhonglin, and she didn't understand Zhonglin's love, so she was nothing.

Aunt Du didn't know how she got back to Xiejia's house, and she sent herself into the room and cried bitterly as soon as she came back.

"Ma'am, what's wrong with you? Open the door!" Her maidservants were terrified, they had never seen Aunt Du like this before, they were really crying, it sounded very sad .

In the past, she used to cry just as a play, and she always cried until the pear blossoms were raining, which made people hurt.

"It was that bitch who killed me. If that bitch hadn't blocked the way back then, why would I have come up with such a way? It made me drink bitter medicine for a year..."


(End of this chapter)

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