Chapter 591 rush to save people
But the person has already been arrested, and he can't be released for nothing, so the Ministry of Punishment can't even think about messing around in the capital.

The officers and soldiers had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "We are just taking Dr. Gu and shopkeeper Hu back to understand the situation, and we will not embarrass them. Please rest assured, Dr. Cui, and please rest assured, Dr. Cui."

"Then this iron chain..." Dr. Cui looked at the chain tied to Gu Youyou and Shopkeeper Hu.

The officer hurriedly said: "Quickly solve it, Dr. Gu and shopkeeper Hu are not criminals, how can we put chains on them?"


Gu Youyou was taken away by people from the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Lin Qianqing hurriedly went to find Lin Xingyi.

At this time, he had already returned home, and she hurried to the study in the study.

As soon as Lin Qianqing came back, a maid went to report to Mrs. Lin, saying, "Missy is back and went to the study to look for you, looking very anxious."

"Looking for her father?" In Mrs. Lin's impression, she always looked for the old lady when she got into trouble, and this was the first time she was looking for Lin Xingyi.

"Go, have a look."

Mrs. Lin also went to the study with a group of servants.

Lin Qianqing was telling Lin Xingyi about Gu Youyou's arrest to the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

"Father, hurry up and save my cousin. The Criminal Department is a place that eats people and doesn't spit out their bones. Cousin must have suffered a lot when she went there. She just recovered from a serious illness, but she can't stand the torture of those in the Criminal Department."

Lin Xingyi put on his coat and asked, "Why was your cousin arrested?"

"A patient came to see my cousin today, but they didn't think that person was a court criminal. They said they brought my cousin back to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to understand the situation, but in a place like the Ministry of Criminal Justice, innocent people can be considered guilty."

"That's right, I'm going to the Criminal Department now."

"I am coming too!"

"Don't go, you wait at home." The voice did not come from Lin Xingyi, but Mrs. Lin who had heard the news.

Lin Qianqing: "..."

Mrs. Lin snorted coldly: "Over the wall, I haven't settled with you yet."

"Father..." Lin Qianqing immediately cast a pitiful look at Lin Xingyi.

Lin Xingyi touched his nose, and said lightly, "Your mother is right, that one who climbed over the wall should be punished, why don't you go to grandma's place to copy Buddhist scriptures?"

When Lin Qianqing heard this, she was overjoyed and hurriedly obeyed, rubbed the soles of her feet with oil and ran to take refuge outside her grandmother.

Lin Xingyi also went out, and he had to hurry to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Mrs. Lin stomped her feet angrily, suffering from a headache.

"What sin did I do? Why did I choose to marry into this family in the first place? The whole family is against me. It's okay that my little enemy is a boy. This girl looks like this all day long. How can she marry in the future? "


On the other hand, someone from the medical center had already gone outside the city to notify Yue Rujing, fearing that Gu Youyou would suffer in prison, he hurriedly rode a fast horse to the punishment department, and happened to run into Lin Xingyi.

Gu Youyou is here, Mr. Li from the Criminal Department is questioning.

Because they are related to Yue Rujing, I didn't make things difficult for them, but just went through the normal inquiry process.

"Doctor Gu, where did that man buy medicine from you? What did he say?"

Gu Youyou replied: "He just came to buy medicine, and didn't say much to me. I saw his pale face, and asked to take his pulse, but he refused. He just took the medicine and left."

Master Li nodded, and asked again: "Then why did he name you?"

Gu Youyou said: "Because he also bought this medicine from me last time. This medicine was originally for my own use, not takeaway, so he couldn't find other people to buy this medicine."

(End of this chapter)

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