Chapter 603

Lin Qianqing stretched her neck outward, and said, "Aunt Du is outside the courtyard?"

Xie Qinyun gritted her teeth and said, "That bitch is just outside the courtyard. I didn't let her in. She bullied my family because I don't have a competent mistress. She's almost going to heaven."

Lin Qianqing smiled and said, "Then let her in if you want to see any play she plays."

Xie Qinyun shook her head, and said, "No, Du Xintong is still awake, it will be terrible if something happens to her."

Gu Youyou, who was saving people, said: "Let her in, just tell her that Miss Du is dying, and see how she reacts."

"My miss is dying? Miss..." Cui Ya burst into tears in shock.

Gu Youyou supported her forehead speechlessly, and said, "Cuiya, don't cry, your lady is fine. I just guessed that Aunt Du didn't want your lady to live. Let her see how her wish is fulfilled, and then she will know what she wants to do." ?”

"That's right, that bitch!" Xie Qinyun gritted her teeth and said, "This time I have to pull out the cancer in Xie's family, or else she won't be able to go to heaven until I get married?"

After finishing speaking, she went outside the door, and said to the maid who was guarding the door: "Go, ask Aunt Du to come in, and tell Second Young Mistress that she can't do it."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Also, go and invite the second young master and my father back."

Gu Youyou smiled lightly and silently gave Miss Du a few injections, lest she wake up again in the middle of the play.

Lin Qianqing whispered: "My cousin's idea, don't scare Aunt Du, but Mr. Xie. It's Mr. Xie's intention not to let Miss Du leave the house."

When she reminded her, Gu Youyou was also shocked.

Most of the elderly people don't get scared, and if they are really scared, it will be troublesome.

On the other hand, Xie Qinyun said: "No, let's do it this way. My father is stubborn, if he doesn't frighten him like this, he will not agree to their divorce. Back then, my second brother wanted to marry a bitch to come in, and he used bitter tricks. "

Gu Youyou: "..."

Lin Qianqing: "..."

Well, if this is the case, I will be scared to death.


Second Young Master Xie cleaned and bandaged the wound on his head, and was about to go home, when the errand runner came to him.

"Second young master, you should go back home with the young one, something serious has happened."

Second Young Master Xie has major events here every day, and Aunt Du quarreled with him every day, causing her a headache.

Of course, he really has a headache right now. The old man used a lot of force and made a big hole.

A piece of white cloth wrapped around the head is particularly ugly.

"What's the big deal?" He was actually very calm about the big things.

Chen Sixi, the concierge, said: "Second young master, not long after you went out today, both wives fell into the water at the same time. Our wife is fine, but the young mistress is not. She was very angry. Miss San personally invited Dr. Gu from Jishengtang to come for a diagnosis and treatment, but Dr. Gu said... the young mistress is in danger, I'm afraid it's... to die! Second young master, go back and have a look, I'm afraid Master should be here soon."

Everyone in the Jiefu knew that the second young master didn't like this wife, so they thought about saying that the second young mistress was no good, fearing that he wouldn't be in a hurry to go back, so they hurriedly moved the master out.

No, after saying that, the second young master really took it very seriously, his face was pale, the hand holding the medicine was still trembling slightly, and he stumbled out without saying a word.

That's right, if the Second Young Mistress really fails and you're still here, the master won't throw a glass at you anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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