Chapter 605 Die Wisely
Aunt Du glanced at Gu Youyou, then laughed wildly at Xie Qinyun, aimed at a pillar, and cried loudly: "Miss San, you wronged me so indiscriminately because I am a soft-spoken person. It’s all just my concubine’s room. I can’t tell right from wrong for myself, I can only prove my will with death...”

After saying that, she stood up abruptly, and slammed into the nearest pillar under the surprised eyes of everyone.

Today is her fate, Gu Youyou is here, since Gu Youyou is known as a miracle doctor and can cure infertility that doctors can't cure, then she will definitely save her life.

She is a doctor, she can't leave her to die...

No one expected that Auntie Du would come up with such a trick. She also fell into the water before. This is something that everyone has seen. If you want to talk about bitter tricks, isn't this enough?
Looking at Aunt Du who was beaten to the point of bleeding, Gu Youyou sighed, this woman is really ruthless.

You can be so ruthless to yourself, but of course you are ruthless to others!

Lin Qianqing's heart skipped a beat, she looked at Xie Qinyun uneasily, and said in a low voice, "She bumped to gag you. After a while, these maids and women will probably say that you forced her to bump into a pillar, you Didn't dad kick you out directly? How can you have a chance to speak?"

"This bitch!" Xie Qinyun gritted her teeth angrily.

Aunt Du was dying, and was hugged by her maid, and the room cried into a ball.

"Doctor Gu, hurry up and save our wife. If the young mistress is gone, if there is something wrong with the wife, how can we explain to the dead master Du's family!"

Gu Youyou didn't seem to expect that Aunt Du would suddenly come to the bottom of the pot, so she stood up helplessly and checked her injuries.

Xie Qinyun snorted, "Doctor Gu, what else are you doing to save her? It would be better if this bitch died."

I really didn't expect that this slut would make a show of herself, Xie Qinyun was so angry that she couldn't breathe.

Gu Youyou said: "If she is dead, how can this play continue?"

If Miss Du is really dead, I won’t say it. She will definitely not save Aunt Du, but Miss Du is still alive. If Aunt Du dies, it will be difficult to explain the truth. The infamy of killing Aunt Du.

Women in this era pay the most attention to reputation, and it is really not worthwhile to be tricked by someone like Aunt Du before she dies.

Especially Xie Qinyun is not married yet, she must not let her say anything.

Lin Qianqing pulled Xie Qinyun, who was stomping her feet in anger, aside, so that Gu Youyou could save people quietly.

"People like her can be dealt with slowly in the future, but not now. Qin Yun, alas, you are really unlucky."

"This damn bitch!" Xie Qinyun was so angry that she didn't know what to say, she just kept calling Du Wanqing a shit-stirring bitch, and she was as bad as she was.

Lin Qianqing laughed softly, pulled Xie Qinyun aside, lowered her head and whispered something in her ear.

After Xie Qinyun heard this, her anger turned into joy.

She nodded meaningfully, glanced at the half-dead Aunt Du, and snorted coldly: "That bitch hurt my second sister-in-law like that back then."

"When a woman quarrels, it's all about talking quickly. Who's right and wrong often has nothing to do with the facts. It depends on who takes the initiative." This is Lin Qianqing's thesis that she got through her mother's handling of her father's concubines.

So it was clear that those concubines were right, but when it came to her mother, she had the final say.

This is the principle of preconception.


(End of this chapter)

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