Chapter 618 The Priceless Treasure
"Is this... is this all right?" Mr. Xie asked excitedly.

"There is no fear of life." Gu Youyou said.

Aunt Du was stunned and leaned against the wall for a while.

She can't die?how come?Could it be that from beginning to end, it was actually a play they performed.

Why are these people?
But at that time in the lake, she struggled a few times and stopped struggling, as if she passed out. She thought she was dead at that time, but she didn't die, life is really great.

Mr. Xie breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he was alive, he didn't bother to care if they were acting or not.

He thanked Gu Youyou and said, "Thank you Doctor Gu for saving your life."

Gu Youyou nodded slightly, then went to write the prescription.

Just like this, it's not enough to explain the great kindness owed to her by adults.

Gu Youyou glanced at Lin Qianqing, and she understood and said to Miss Du in a warm voice: "Miss Du, my cousin's medicine is made from the thousand-year-old Qinxin snow lotus that she picked on the snowy mountains in the south of Lingnan. The last time she took medicine, she almost died of a disease. She ate one to save her life. The only one left in the world was originally reserved for her urgent use, but now it is used to save you. You must live well, Don't disappoint her medicine."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked again.

Xie Qinyun said: "I heard from Qianqing that Dr. Gu has been in poor health since he was a child, and he almost..."

Lin Qianqing said: "Yeah, that time was considered mild, and I didn't need the medicine. The later time was more severe. If there was no life-saving medicine, my cousin might... oh, forget it, let's not talk about it."

"Since it's so important, Doctor Gu, why are you still using it to save me? I'm really ashamed!" Miss Du struggled to sit up.

Gu Youyou has already written the prescription here, blew on the ink, and said in a low voice: "Since this medicine is precious, it is naturally used to save lives. If it can save a life, it is worth it. Master said before, as a doctor "Healing the disease and saving lives should be the first priority. If I don't save Miss Du today, I will not be able to face Master in the future. Miss Du, medicine is very expensive. I can't be in vain if I work in your yard all day. There are consultation fees and medicine fees, so you don’t need to say thank you.”

Miss Du was stunned, such a precious medicine must be priceless, how can it be compared with gold and silver.

But she still has to figure out if she has enough money.

"Doctor Gu, how much do you need?" Second Young Master Xie was the first to ask.

Gu Youyou didn't speak, but looked at Miss Du.

She had a look of embarrassment, it seemed that her money had already been used.

Second Young Master Xie hurriedly said: "I made peace with Ms. Du, and I said that I would give her a certain amount of compensation. This life-saving medical fee is considered our compensation to her."

Gu Youyou is naturally very happy to have the opportunity to make the scumbag bleed profusely.She looked calm, and said lightly: "Since it is a life-saving medicine, it is naturally a priceless treasure. Second Young Master Xie will give it to you."

"This..." The Second Young Master Xie and the Master Xie were both in a dilemma. If they didn't ask for a price, and it was priceless, then they could only owe one favor.

Mr. Xie said to Gu Youyou: "Even if this old man owes Doctor Gu a favor, if Doctor Gu needs this old man somewhere in the future, he can come to see this old man at any time."

Gu Youyou said, "Master Xie, you are an official, I am a citizen, and you and my uncle are officials in the same dynasty. As a junior, how can Youyou dare to ask for your favor?"

(End of this chapter)

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