Chapter 628 Robbing Huo Li
The people behind reined in the horse in time, but it also frightened the horse, neighing bursts.

Those who fell off the horse were not so lucky, and immediately fell into the trap they had set in advance and died on the spot.

The silent forest was full of birds and birds, the leader's face was very ugly, and he said angrily: "I am Huo Li, the great disciple of Xuanzong, so be bold!"

Yue Rujing sneered and said, "Grandson, can I not know that he is Huo Li? My lord, I robbed you, Huo Li. Last time we robbed us happily, but this time it was him. Look at his cowardice." Sample!"

Yue Rujing snorted, beckoned to the people behind her, and jumped up with a five-inch wide broadsword on her shoulders.

Shouting to the leader: "I opened this mountain, I planted this tree, if you want to live on from now on, save money to buy roads!"

Surrounded by the crowd, Huo Li looked at the group of people who appeared suddenly.

On the outskirts of the capital, a group of ten black-clothed men blocking the road suddenly burst out of the forest in broad daylight, apparently they hadn't expected it.

It's even less likely to be... bandits blocking the way.

"What do you want to do?"

But after turning around in his mind a few times, Huo Li understood who the people who came to rob them were.

Yue Rujing smiled coldly and said: "If you are not willing to keep money, then you want to keep your life?"

After finishing speaking, with a big heck, he rushed towards the person in front with a big knife in his hand.

This kind of broadsword is most suitable for riding a horse's legs. After a few strokes, three people fell off their horses.

The people behind him were all holding such big knives. They were like a group of desperate bandits, roaring loudly and rushing forward, fighting with Huo Li and the others.

The ten men in black led by Yue Rujing knocked off the men led by Huo Li, and the two sides fought inseparably.

But Huo Li, who was the leader, was still on the horse, watching indifferently from behind the crowd.

"Kill all these people who want money and life." Yue Rujing was still yelling frantically.

Seeing that his people were at a disadvantage and suffered heavy casualties, Huo Li was finally moved on that side.

He drew out the long sword on his back and roared loudly, "Don't push people too far."

Yue Rujing gave him a thumbs down, and then continued to fight with the knife.

Huo Li's face twitched, out of breath.

He was going out of the city today in a hurry, but he didn't want to be stopped by these grandsons.

They tripped each other more than once, both openly and secretly, but they always knew how to measure and never dared to break the rules of the game.

But seeing Yue Rujing's appearance this time, is he going to fold all the people he brought here?

"Okay, since you provoked it..." Huo Li's face was full of anger, and he saw that his mouth was plausible, and the cold light sword in his hand stood in the air by itself. After a while, a cold moonlight Tai Chi gossip Protruding from the bottom of the sword hilt, it became bigger and bigger, startled the flying sand and rocks, and slowly spread towards Yue Rujing and others.

Yue Rujing's eyes were startled, she took a few steps back, and slashed the ground with a knife, preventing the gossip from spreading further.

The person who retreated slowly was touched by the gossip, and a cold flame immediately ignited on his body. Looking closely, it looked like many strange bugs crawled on his body.

What's wrong with that sword?
There were screams everywhere, Yue Rujing was terrified, and hurriedly shouted: "Take off the clothes that are on fire."

As soon as everyone heard this, they hurriedly picked off their clothes with knives and rolled on the grass several times to extinguish all the flames on their bodies.

When I looked carefully, I realized that those things were not fire at all, but a kind of strange insects. They seemed to have soft moon-white long hairs floating on their bodies. When they were stirred, they seemed to be dancing in flames.

(End of this chapter)

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