It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 630 The person who didn't come

Chapter 630 The person who didn't come
Such a woman, if placed in modern times, must be a strong woman who wanders in various high-level social occasions, and will live a very wanton life.

No matter how capable she is, she is just a woman in this high-walled palace. If she wants to live a good life, she still has to look up to men.

And now, she is already a queen, and she has already passed half of her life, so her next step should be to win the position of emperor for her son and sit on the queen mother herself.

Such an enemy is really terrifying. If Jin Zijin hadn't said something earlier, Gu Youyou would have believed her.

The queen took a sip of her wine, looked around, frowned slightly, and asked, "Where is Mrs. Ru? Why didn't you see her coming?"

A palace official replied: "In the past few days, Mrs. Ru's old illness has relapsed, and she has a severe headache. I just sent someone to give a birthday gift, but I didn't come."

"Mrs. Ru is sick?" The queen asked thoughtfully, "Why didn't anyone come to report earlier?"

"It's Madam's own intention. She said that she was afraid that the empress would be worried, which would affect the birthday banquet."

A lady below said: "Mrs. Ru will return to the capital from the Xining border every year to stay in the capital for a few months, and she only returns to Xining after the Queen's birthday. Now she can't come, I'm afraid she is seriously ill."

The queen nodded after hearing this, and said, "That's right, I have to go and see her when I change to the Japanese Palace."

The concubine who had something good to do said with a coquettish smile: "Your Majesty, it's not only Ru Furen who didn't come today, but also Concubine Sheng Gui."

The complexions of the people sitting there changed drastically.

The queen also frowned rarely.

She naturally knew that Concubine Sheng was not here, this bitch, how many years have you given her face because of the emperor's favor?
But in front of so many people, the queen still maintained her dignity and asked with a smile, "Then why didn't Concubine Sheng come?"

"I heard that she is also sick, empress, why is she sick again?"

The empress was so angry that her teeth were itching, she said calmly: "Concubine Sheng has always been in poor health, and I should go to see her someday."

After finishing speaking, he coldly swept over the talkative concubine, telling her to shut up.

The topic of Mrs. Ru and Concubine Sheng was quickly forgotten. The queen looked at the "special" Mrs. Lu, and asked with a smile: "Mrs. Lu, I heard that Mr. Ling is going to discuss marriage this year? I don't know if Mrs. Lu can see it." Which family's lady did you win?"

When Mrs. Lu heard that the Empress called her, she felt overwhelmed with flattery. She quickly swallowed the meat in her mouth, and replied: "Go back to Empress Empress, his father is looking at this matter, it seems that he hasn't taken a fancy to it yet."

Mrs. Lu herself had a lot of laughs, and when she replied like this, Yingying Yanyan in the hall immediately covered her mouth and laughed.

She knew that others were laughing at her, but she didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of the queen, she just looked around with a sullen face at those who laughed hard, and secretly wrote it down.

This made empress empress embarrassed, she coughed, and everyone immediately calmed down.

Then the queen said to Mrs. Lu: "Mrs. Lu is really...a straightforward character. But Mrs. Lu and General Lu have only one son, Mr. Lu. His relatives, you mother should take a good look at them. General Lu is a general Born, you are not as careful as Mrs. Lu, are you?"

This made Mrs. Lu feel at ease.

Everyone judges people by their appearance, and they all think that she is a rough old man. Who said that about her, that she is careful.

Mrs. Lu replied with a hurried smile: "Yes, what the empress said is true."

The queen remained calm, took a sip of the soup handed over by the maid, and continued to ask: "Then Mrs. there a suitable candidate?"

(End of this chapter)

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