Chapter 651 The Queen is Coming

Gu Youyou remained calm as usual, she really didn't care too much about whether she accepted it or not.

There are advantages and disadvantages for her to accept the nine princesses as her disciples.

"Go and call the Ninth Princess." The Empress Dowager said to the maid beside her.

"Yes, the Empress Dowager."

After the maid left, she looked at Gu Youyou, with a little more inquiring look in her eyes.

"Jiu'er likes to play with Yingying because she has some medical skills."

Gu Youyou raised her eyebrows, her eyes slightly startled.

"Her mother and concubine are always in poor health. She went away after being ill for a few years. She didn't just want to study medicine because she thought it was fun. She probably meant it seriously. Doctor Gu, her daughter's family, except for families like Nvcui, It’s true that she doesn’t study medicine, but since Jiu’er wants to learn, I’ll allow it. Whether she accepts her or teaches her is up to you. You don’t have to worry about what the Ai family said, she is a princess.”

The queen mother sighed, with a sad look on her face.

Gu Youyou didn't speak, but she sighed in her heart that the Queen Mother was considered approachable.

She knew in her heart that as an ordinary female doctor, she couldn't refuse to teach you the princess' medical skills.But I also understand that forcing something is not necessarily a good thing!
Gu Youyou was already hesitant, since the queen mother said so, she naturally had no reason to refuse.

After a while, the nine princesses and Cui Yingying were brought by the maids. Apprenticeship was originally a major event, but with the queen mother making the decision, they kowtowed three times in front of Gu Youyou, and offered a cup of tea to be regarded as a ceremony.

Gu Youyou gave them the two small gourds prepared in advance, without engraving on them, and said to them: "When you finish your studies and become teachers, I will hand them over to the master to engrave for you, huh?"

"Thank you Master!"

The two little girls smiled sweetly, and put away the gourd with great care.

The gift of this gourd was also because Gu Youyou didn't have a good gift, so she made fun of herself in secret.

Really picky!

"The empress is here!" the eunuch shouted in a shrill voice, and after a while, he saw the empress coming with a group of court ladies, and Lin Qianqing was following her.

The queen led people to salute to the queen mother first, then Gu Youyou and others saluted to the queen. A lot of people knelt down and bowed to each other before starting to talk about business. This is really troublesome.

"Empress, I heard that Princess Jiu wants to learn medical skills from Youyou. Is there such a thing?"

After the queen finished speaking, without waiting for the queen mother to answer, she aimed her eyes at Gu Youyou, which looked unusually kind.

Gu Youyou lowered her head and said nothing.

It's not her place to talk.

Princess Jiu jumped out and stood next to the queen mother, and said timidly: "Yes, Jiu'er has already worshiped the master."

The queen frowned, and looked at Gu Youyou again.

The queen mother said: "Okay, okay, what a big deal, if Jiu'er wants to learn, let her learn, she is just a child."

The queen was stunned for a moment, and then said lightly: "Since the queen mother has said so, then let's accept it."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to Gu Youyou: "Princess Jiu wants to study medicine with you, so where do you plan to teach her? When will you come to teach her? Do you plan to come to the palace every day? Or, just you Also became a medical lady in the palace, and lived in the palace directly?"

Gu Youyou's heart skipped a beat, she quickly knelt down, and said, "Go back to the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager, the civilian girl is in poor health, I'm afraid she won't be able to come to the palace often. If it's inconvenient for the princess to follow the civilian girl out of the palace, let's see if... every few days Teaching once a day?"

This is exactly where Gu Youyou hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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