Chapter 657 He also makes money

Don't say that you can't buy life, you can't buy officials, you can't buy love, the fact is that you can buy it.If you are sick and have no money, you can only wait for death. If you have money, you can invite the best doctor and take life-saving medicine.There have been examples of donating officials in every dynasty, which shows that fame and fortune can also be bought with silver.If there is enough money, if a friend or relative breaks through the threshold, the poor family can only be cold, isn't it? "

"That makes sense." Jin Zijin sighed, "Silver is indeed a good thing."

He patted Gu Youyou on the back, and said: "Youyou is so capable, why not..." After thinking about it, he said again: "Let's forget it, you start the embroidery building business first."

"What's the matter?" Gu Youyou was overwhelmed by what he said, and suddenly became more energetic.If this continues, she won't have to sleep tonight.

Jin Zijin smiled and said, "I wanted to entrust you with some business in the capital, but I was afraid that you would be too busy."

Gu Youyou looked surprised: "You also do business in the capital?"

"Otherwise?" Jin Zijin gently pinched her face and said, "Didn't you just say that it is difficult to do anything in this world without money. Taoism has been in the world for many years, and it is not always based on incense and money. has the status it has today."


It seems so.

"Besides... secretly training so many dead men, all they do is death-death, and they can't be loyal without money, right?"

Gu Youyou blinked her eyes, as if she didn't recognize him.

His temper would actually talk to her about these things.

"I've been investigating how I was transferred back then. The other party was very powerful, and many of the outstanding fighters they trained died in the mission."

Gu Youyou hugged his neck in distress.

Jin Zijin had told her about this before, and now the eldest princess has taken over his identity.

No one knows who the person behind the scenes is.

With Jin Zijin's current power, he couldn't find any news about the other party.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, go to bed earlier. Those things have been going on for so many years, and I can't be in a hurry. In terms of money, you have a good vision and found a wife who can make money, so you can rest assured , and soon there will be a lot of money in the account."

"Oh? Are you praising me, or are you praising yourself?"

"Haha, praise both, you have a good vision, I will make money."

After finishing the quilt, Gu Youyou thought of the worry again, and said: "I heard that the road is not smooth, I will take A Bao to Jinxiu City, you ask Yue Rujing to take A Bao to Jishengtang, I will take it .”


The weather was already hot, Gu Youyou was wearing tulle singles, and Xiang Toon helped her into the carriage.

Under the carriage, my aunt was still nagging, "There are rich and noble people in Jinxiu City. These rich and noble people are different from our officials and family members. They are full of copper smell, but their airs are no less than ours, and they are all immature. Don't forget that." Arguing with them on the street, she lost her identity and the Lin family's face.

Also, don't stay for too long, and come back after giving the gift.Although you are our cousin, your words and deeds represent the Lin family.You grew up in the countryside, I don't point out that you are as knowledgeable and courteous as other ladies, but you have to look like an official lady.Although my aunt is a bit long-winded, it's all for your own good. I even point out that you marry a good family. The people my aunt looks after for you are all officials. "

Gu Youyou didn't pay much attention to Mrs. Lin's long-winded words in the first half, but the latter words frightened Gu Youyou quite a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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