It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 661 The old lady's chain plan

Chapter 661 The old lady's chain plan

She is the beauty given to Lin Xingyi by the Fifth Prince. Her hometown is near Qingshui Town, and she is half a fellow villager with Lin Xingyi.Her family was too poor when she was a child, so she was sold.She was the prettiest sister in the family. Not long after she was sold, she was transferred to the fifth prince, who then gave it to Lin Xingyi.

It's been ten years since he went around, and although it's not easy in Lin's mansion, but because he can speak a local accent with Lin Xingyi, he prefers her, and she is indeed better than other concubines in Lin's mansion.

Now she is only short of one child. With a child, she can have her own yard like the second young lady's aunt Kong, and she can freely appear in the back house. This is something she has dreamed of many times. .

Now that she has been beaten up, she can only hope that the fierce headed mistress will not really sell her out.

After sending Aunt Qiu away, Mrs. Lin rubbed her brows, and then the porter's servant tremblingly reported forward.

"Madam, the old lady has just left the mansion with the two young ladies and the young master."

"What?" Mrs. Lin staggered, feeling her head hurt more and more.

When did it happen, what did they leave the house for?
"I don't know!" the boy said innocently.

"I don't know?" Mrs. Lin rubbed her forehead, she was about to fall, but the servant girl on her body moved quickly and helped her in time.

"Then what does Madam raise you for? Go and see soon."

When Mrs. Lin rushed to the gate, there was no one else at the mansion gate.

Another young man at the gate hurriedly reported the whole story to Mrs. Lin, she is such a smart person, after listening to the whole story, she understood what was going on in her mind.

The emotional old lady set her up with a series of tricks!

On the first day, I called the slut Aunt Qiu to talk, and asked her to bring soup to the master by the way, and then Aunt Qiu stayed in the study as a matter of course.

When she found out about this in the morning, she was furious, and she took advantage of this time to run away with a few children.


Heh, the old lady has been in the capital for so many years, why hasn't she seen her offering any incense or attending any pujas?
She didn't believe in those things at all.

Mrs. Lin squeezed the veil tightly, she knew it in her heart.

It must be Lin Qianqing's dead girl pestering the old lady to go out, so she came up with this plan.

Why go to Sanqing Temple?She must have gone to Splendid City with Gu Youyou.

That said, Miss Du who went out from Xie's house invited Gu Youyou to open the embroidery building, why didn't she invite this damn girl.

Dare to wait for yourself here.

Madam Lin turned her head and ordered: "Go and inform Qiu Guan's family, let him beat up some skilled people, go to Jinxiu City, and bring Miss Biao and Miss back."


At this time, Lin Qianqing was on Gu Youyou's carriage.

When she first saw Gu Youyou with such a big dog, she was scared for a long time.

But after seeing the cute interaction between A Bao and Gu Youyou, she slowly calmed down and touched it curiously.

Abao was raised very well by Yue Rujing, the hair was beautiful and soft, even more comfortable to touch than her fox fur cloak, so she became addicted to touching it.

At this moment, I have already played with Abao.

"How about it, my Abao is very obedient, right? They just dislike him for being too big and discriminate against him."

"Not bad, it's the same as my grandmother's kitten, only bigger."

The eldest lady is no longer afraid of A Bao, but Xiang Toon, who came out with Gu Youyou, was still terrified, and huddled in the corner alone in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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