Chapter 663 To Splendid City
She had never gone so far before, I was afraid that she would be frightened and leave some psychological shadow.

Along the way, there were no other accidents, probably because Splendid City was approaching, Gu Youyou heard the person on the roof leave, and after a while, heard the voice of the coachman.

"Miss, Jinxiu City is here. Shall we go directly to Manxiu Tower or walk around the city?"

All three of them were tense, especially Xiang Toon.Hearing the sound of safely arriving at Fairview City was like the sound of nature.

Lin Qianqing breathed a sigh of relief, and asked Gu Youyou in a low voice, "Is this our coachman?"

Gu Youyou shook her head, with a solemn expression, and said, "No!"

After finishing speaking, she said to the coachman again: "Go directly to Manxiu Building."

Gu Youyou guessed along the way that their carriage had an accident halfway.But the other party didn't succeed, because Jin Zijin should have arranged for powerful people to follow him.

The coachman changed, and there was someone standing on the roof, but Ah Bao didn't respond.

This shows that Ah Bao recognizes the aura of these two people, and it doesn't think it's dangerous, so it's so quiet.

Fortunately, he took Abao with him. If he hadn't seen it so calm, Gu Youyou wouldn't have allowed someone he didn't know to take the three of them on their way. Maybe something would go wrong.

There was noise all around, it was a lively street market.

Gu Youyou reached out to pull the window on the carriage, but was held down by Xiang Toon.

The girl was still in shock, her face pale.

"Miss Biao, don't open the door."

Gu Youyou smiled, pushed her hand away, and said, "We've arrived in Jinxiu City, listen, there are people selling candied haws. Don't worry, we're safe."

Lin Qianqing's face was also pale. Gu Youyou rubbed her head distressedly, and said in a low voice, "Whether you dare to come out in the future? You have the courage to stay in the big mansion in the capital for safety."

If she can calm down because of this and become a real backyard girl, it would actually be a good thing for her.

"No!" Unexpectedly, Lin Qianqing retorted immediately after hearing Gu Youyou's words.

"I don't want to stay in the house, life should be like this, full of unknown surprises!"

Gu Youyou: "Surprise...surprise?" By the way, aren't you scared?

Xiang Toon's face turned pale: "Miss, it's... it's fright. My poor lady, you are so frightened that you can't tell the difference between surprise and fright."

Gu Youyou: "..."

Lin Qianqing: "..." She gave Xiang Toon a white look, and opened the window of the carriage.

A different kind of air floats into the carriage, which makes people yearn for it.

Outside the window, the streets full of traffic and hawkers can be heard endlessly, which is much more lively than the capital city of Zhuzhao Country.

No wonder Jinxiu City is a richer city than the capital.

Lin Qianqing looked at the street and smiled crisply.

"I was scared this time, but I won't next time. Cousin, do you often experience these things? You seem very calm."

Gu Youyou smiled wryly, and said, "How can it be often, not a few times."

"Then who are they?"

Gu Youyou looked at the direction of the car subconsciously, and said, "You can ask the driver of the car later and you'll know."

Xiang Toon pulled Lin Qianqing's arm and said, "Don't do it, he must be a good person."

Lin Qianqing looked at Gu Youyou, and saw her smiling softly, thoughtfully.

The carriage stopped, the driver got out of the carriage first, and asked Gu Youyou and the others to get off.

"Miss, Manxiu Building is here, please get out of the carriage."

(End of this chapter)

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