It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 674 Coincidentally Encountering the Sneaky Moon Like a Mirror

Chapter 674 Coincidentally Encountering the Sneaky Moon Like a Mirror
Xie Qinyun let out a long sigh, and said, "It doesn't matter, my second brother deserves it, my second brother's life... so miserable!" After finishing speaking, she covered her handkerchief and began to cry in a dignified way.

Lin Qianqing laughed loudly and said, "Why don't you exaggerate like this, it's like crying at a funeral."

Xie Qinyun threw away the handkerchief, pulled Lin Qianqing's sleeve to wipe her face, and said, "Yes, it's mourning, and I still use your sleeve to cry, and I used your sleeve to see how you go out to meet people..."

After all, it was a young girl who quickly forgot about her miserable second brother.

During their fight, they ate the meal.

Gu Youyou wiped her mouth, rinsed her mouth, and stood by the window again.

The location of Miss Du's house is very good, especially this window, which has a wide view.

It's just... Gu Youyou seems to have seen a familiar figure, still looking sneaky.

"Huh? It's the moon like a mirror!" She whispered to herself.

"What? Cousin, what are you talking about?" Lin Qianqing, who was playing with Xie Qinyun, seemed to hear Gu Youyou muttering something, but couldn't hear clearly.

Gu Youyou turned around and smiled, and said: "It's nothing, it's quite lively outside. You haven't eaten enough, keep eating, keep drinking, today I don't have your mother staring at you, eating while lying down, eating while sleeping, each You can eat whatever you want.”

After finishing speaking, Gu Youyou walked from the window to the door, and said, "I'll make it easier for you, you can do whatever you want!"

It's rare to relax, Lin Qianqing was happy, and didn't notice Gu Youyou's strangeness.


Gu Youyou left the T-shaped room on the second floor and went downstairs directly.

She crossed the street next to Manxiulou, and saw Yue Rujing in front of a shop selling cloth.

It's rare that this guy didn't wear that crane's white moon robe, but a dark green dress.

No matter what clothes he wears, he can't hide his attractive physique. Buying a piece of cloth even made the little cloth seller blush with embarrassment.

"Young master, this is the best cloth in our store. I think this plain white color matches your temperament very well."

Yue Rujing smiled and said: "You girl has good eyesight, how can you tell that this white material matches me?"

"My lord, you..." The girl acted shyly, she blushed and lowered her head and said shyly, "My lord, you are as bright and bright as the moon, and the white clothes made of this material make you look like a fairy in the moon. The moonlight is flowing, The silver frost all over the ground is not half as glorious as your son."

Gu Youyou thought in her heart: Someone should be looking for someone to take over this evil Yue Rujing, who bought the cloth and harmed this girl. It seems that the girl who sells cloth will suffer from lovesickness for a long time.

She was about to raise her foot to enter the shop, when she heard Yue Rujing's voice again, the raised foot retracted abruptly.

"Girl, you are really good at talking, and you speak to my heart. Your words are deeply in my heart. It's just that something has been worrying me recently, so I can't chat more with the girl. Let me talk about it first." Wrap this piece of cloth for me."

"Oh, good!" The girl was taken aback, shy and timid.Extremely reluctant to help Yue Rujing wrap the cloth, the movement was slow and slow, as if she planned to wrap the cloth for a whole day.

"My lord, can you tell Wan'er what you are worried about?"

Yue Rujing sighed, opened the folding fan smartly and fanned it twice, and said: "My mother has a cousin who disappeared on the wedding night more than ten years ago. Her family has searched everywhere but can't find her. Two years later, the family gave up on her, so they are no longer looking for her. But recently, my mother is not in good health, and suddenly remembered a cousin who played well in the past, so she asked me to ask around.

(End of this chapter)

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