It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 679 He knows everything about the Lin family?

Chapter 679 He knows everything about the Lin family?

Jin Zijin said indifferently: "Don't you know if you go to the hall and have a look?"

Lin Shenxing clenched his fists and went to the main hall a little unwillingly.

In the main hall, Mrs. Lin didn't know why this noble Yujizi kept talking to her endlessly.

"I heard that Mrs. Lin always teaches the younger generation to be different. Miss Lin is informal and free-spirited. She has the demeanor of your old lady."

"Master Guoshi is joking, my eldest girl is taught by her mother, just like her mother."

Yu Jizi didn't refute, and said with a smile that he had fallen in love with Lin Shenxing.

"Master Lin has been familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics since he was young, and he is full of poetic theories. This year is his first time to participate in the autumn exam, right? The No.1 Xie Yuan must have fallen into the Lin family. He is quite like a father."

"Master Guoshi has won the prize. Shen Xing is far behind his father. His father had to understand yuan when he was 12 years old. But Shen Xing knows how to play around all day long. It would be good to win a juren. How can he expect it?" Waiting for him to win the prize?"

Yujizi smiled and continued: "The most amazing thing is your cousin. She was weak and sick since she was a child, and she just survived. The people in Lianhua Village call her a child prodigy who is hard to come by in thousands of years. She With a sick and weak body, he will be raised at home for decades, and he will become a genius doctor in less than a year after he comes out. If you are born as a man with such qualifications, Master Lin may not be able to compare."

Mrs. Lin's complexion darkened again and again, she felt that the national teacher must be tempting her to do something, anyway, she had no good intentions.

She bowed her knees slightly, and said: "I'm old and I'm not feeling well. I'm afraid I won't be able to finish listening to the second half of today's Fa Conference. Master National Teacher, I'm leaving."

Yu Jizi stroked his long white beard and said with a faint smile, "Then please, old lady."

He has mentioned everything that should be mentioned. This old lady is smarter than ordinary people. He thinks that she must have listened.

When Mrs. Lin came out of the hall, she happened to run into Lin Shenxing who hurried into the hall, almost knocking her to the ground.

"Ouch, who bumped into my old woman?"

Lin Shenxing quickly supported her arm and said, "Grandma, it's me."

Seeing that she was safe and sound, he hurriedly said, "Are you alright?"

He asked this question strangely, Mrs. Lin's complexion darkened, and she said: "It's nothing, let's go back to the mansion first."

"Go back to the residence?" Lin Shenxing looked at the people who were gradually getting seated and waiting to listen to the Dharma meeting, and asked again: "Isn't there another one?"

Mrs. Lin said: "Don't listen, grandma, I'm not feeling well, please go home."

Hearing her saying that she was unwell, Lin Shenxing became cautious again.

Although he felt that there was something wrong with today's trip to the Sanqing Temple, he didn't ask any more questions, and helped Mrs. Lin go out.

Later, they ran into Asparagus and Lin Zixin who were walking towards the main hall, and the family went straight down the mountain.

Along the way, Mrs. Lin's heart was always up and down, and she was very uneasy.

It must not be easy for the national teacher to chat with an old lady like her. His words seem to be just praising the younger generation of the Lin family, but every word has a deep meaning.

If you think about it carefully, yes and no.


She suddenly realized that what was wrong was why, as a pure-hearted and ascetic national teacher, he knew everything about the Lin family well?
If he didn't deliberately understand Lin Fu, how could he know so clearly?

Mrs. Lin broke out in a cold sweat from fright, and the hands holding the handkerchief were tightly gripped.

The atmosphere in the carriage was not right, Lin Shenxing noticed it.

He glanced at Lin Zixin who was sitting by the window excitedly looking at the scenery along the way, and then turned his head to look at Mrs. Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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