It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 681 The Unexpected Incident

Chapter 681 The Unexpected Incident
Yu Jizi was right. As far as she knew, Gu Youyou suffered from a strange disease when she was a child, and was kept at home for treatment.For a family like the Gu family, it would be nice to give her something to eat and not let her starve to death. How could she ask her master to teach her how to read and learn medicine?
Her eyes darkened, and she thought to herself: Could it be that Xing Yi, the kid, hired his wife behind his back?
Thinking of this possibility, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Let's wait until we get home and ask Lin Xingyi.

It's fine if there's nothing unusual, but if there's something wrong with Gu Youyou, she will definitely not let her go.


When Gu Youyou returned to Lin's house, he almost got in front of Mrs. Lin's carriage.

Fortunately, she was the one who came back late, so she didn't see her aunt standing at the door with a gloomy face.

Seeing Gu Youyou, the porter's boy hurried forward and said, "Miss Biao, Madam said, if you come back, please go to the flower hall quickly."

Gu Youyou hummed, and said, "Got it."

She would have guessed that a reprimand would be necessary.

Everyone in the flower hall was fully seated, aunt, grandmother, first cousin, second cousin, and cousin.

Well, she caught all the people who left the house today except uncle.

It doesn't matter, when the sky falls, there will be a tall person to support it, and the grandmother who is the mastermind will support it, and she will follow the training.

"Grandmother, mother, cousin is back too." Lin Qianqing got up and pulled Gu Youyou to sit with her.

Mrs. Lin glanced at Gu Youyou coldly, and said, "Okay, then tell me honestly, what's going on today?"

Lin Qianqing and the others had just arrived, so they were naturally a little confused when they heard Mrs. Lin's words.

Mrs. Lin snorted, "All the people I sent to Jinxiu City have been dismissed, and I have to explain to their families. Are you still planning to not talk about it?"

She kept her eyes on Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing.

Her words obviously shocked everyone present.

Mrs. Lin looked at Lin Qianqing and Gu Youyou, and asked, "Did something happen to you two on the way?"

Well, let's not call ourselves.

Originally, if Mrs. Lin asked if Lin Qianqing had gone to Fairview City, they would deny it to death.

Of course, the situation in front of me is obviously different from what I expected, and there is no need to hide it.

Madam Lin patted the table and said angrily, "Ah Qing, did you really go to Fairview City?"

Lin Qianqing lowered her head and nodded slightly.

"Mom, I was wrong."

"Wrong?" Mrs. Lin was probably very angry, and her legs and feet were shaking when she stood up.

"You know you're wrong, do you know how dangerous it is today? All the ten people I sent died on the road from the capital to Jinxiu City. Tell me, what happened on the road?"

Mrs. Lin looked at this side with a sullen face, Gu Youyou looked at it, and it seemed that grandma would be useless in this situation, it seemed that things on the road could not be covered, so it was impossible not to talk.

At this time, a person was thumped and thrown into the flower hall, it was Toon whose cheeks were swollen from the beating.

Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing were shocked at the same time.

Xiang Toon came back with Gu Youyou, so he was beaten after a while?
Mrs. Lin glared at Xiang Toon and said angrily, "Tell me, what happened on the road?"

Xiang Toon was already stunned, but still looked at Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing.If they didn't nod, she didn't intend to say anything, even if she was killed.

Gu Youyou nodded slightly at her, indicating that she could speak.

Xiang Toon knelt on the ground and told everything that happened on the road.

Of course, as a matter that several parties didn't understand, Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Lin naturally didn't understand either.

(End of this chapter)

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