It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 688 Gu Youyou's Drawing

Chapter 688 Gu Youyou's Drawing
The Second Young Master Xie shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid. What are you thinking about? It's just... I want to make it clear to her that I should at least apologize to her, but I dare not Go, shameless! I really never thought that one day I would force her to be like that. If it wasn't that I misunderstood the sachet, or that I happened to have lost my mother with Du Wanqing..."

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it." Xie Qinyun interrupted him irritably, and said, "I don't like to hear you say these things, let alone sister Du. If you saw her, it was because of these things, I think Forget it. I asked Sister Du last time, and said that you also knew that you were wrong. Is it possible for you to solve the misunderstanding? Do you know what she said?"

"How?" His eyes sparkled.

"She said, both you and Aunt Du lost their mothers that year. It is true that you comforted each other. It is true that you have hurt her over the years because of Aunt Du. Maybe she really loved you back then, but as early as you She wiped away those feelings through repeated injuries. She has no fate with you, even if there is a fate, it is a bad fate, and now the bad fate is over."

Xie Ergongzi's legs were so empty that he almost couldn't stand still, and the last string of hope in his heart also snapped.He thought there was a misunderstanding between them, as long as the misunderstanding was resolved, there was still a possibility.

But she was right, the harm he did to her was true, and he forced her to such an extent, how could it be solved by a misunderstanding?
Finally, the stagnant water in his heart froze into ice.

"Okay, I'll go back with you!"

Miss Du put down the ledger in her hand, without sadness or joy, she watched a familiar carriage drive away from the opposite inn.

There is no fate between them, if he was willing to look up when she gave him the little tiger sachet back then, if she could run a little slower... Maybe there would be some differences between them.

After a while, Miss Du lowered her head, picked up a blueprint in her hand, and called Cui Ya.

This picture is a congratulatory gift from Gu Youyou, and the clothes on it are the most beautiful clothes she has ever seen.

"Have you sent back the materials you ordered at Jin's house?"

Cui Ya put down the work in her hands, clapped her hands and ran to look happily, and said, "It's Doctor Gu's picture. I've already ordered the lotus root pink material. The guy from Li Jin's family sent it yesterday. Miss needs it now. ?"

"Well, bring it." Miss Du said.

Soon Cuiya brought all the materials that Miss Du asked for. Miss Du laughed and said, "I want to make this first set of clothes myself, so I will send it to Dr. Gu. Cuiya, can you Remember Doctor Gu's size?"

Cui Ya smiled confidently: "Don't worry, as long as Cui Ya has seen it, you don't need a ruler to measure Cui Ya and you can say that it is pretty good. The clothes you made must be just right for Dr. Gu to wear."


It has been so long since I finally saw the true face of that woman, Xie Zhonglin still can't believe it.

He trusted her so much and protected her everywhere, but he didn't know how vicious she was behind her back.

My sister once said that he was blind and blind, and he was right.

Seeing the disheveled woman kneeling and crying in front of him, he only hated himself for being too stupid for being deceived by such a hypocritical face for so many years.

The Second Young Master Xie closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and said: "It was the utmost humaneness not to hand you over to the yamen. I let you leave the Jiefu because I think it's not entirely your fault that you have been domineering and evil all these years, and I am also at fault. If it wasn't for me not to distinguish between right and wrong, I would believe you in everything, and I wouldn't let you become what you are now."

(End of this chapter)

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