It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 690 You can't die at the same time

Chapter 690
She cried softly: "You can't treat me like this, I have nothing but you, everything I do is to be with you forever, if you leave me, I will have no way out!"

Xie Zhonglin sat on the chair and tilted his head to one side so as not to look at her.

She is not willing to ruin her life on such a woman?How could he be willing?
Losing pearls but holding fish eyes as treasures is the kind of person he is talking about.

While weeping, Aunt Du slowly crawled to Xie Zhonglin's side, her hand hidden under her robe was already tightly holding a sharp dagger.

She can't get it, and she won't let others get it.

She bit her lips tightly, and in her eyes was the madness of wanting to die with Xie Zhonglin.

Don't blame me, you forced me, you forced me.

If you can't live together, you can die together, that's fine.

The Second Young Master Xie only lamented that he had been deceived by such a woman for so long, and he didn't notice at all that a deadly dagger emitting a gloomy white light had stabbed towards his heart.

He was taken aback when he saw Aunt Du who suddenly rose up, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it.

The moment before the dagger pierced his chest, he held the sharp blade with his hand, and blood flowed profusely immediately.

His eyes widened in shock, and he asked in disbelief, "Are you going to kill me?"

This woman who once said she loved him to the core of her flesh and blood actually wanted to kill herself?

Aunt Du was trembling all over, but she held the handle firmly.With a look of madness on her face, she tremblingly said: "Don't be afraid, I will come to accompany you after you die, and I will never leave you."

"Crazy, you lunatic." Second Young Master Xie was shocked and angry.

Aunt Du felt that she was indeed crazy. She was going crazy when she thought of the miserable life she would experience after leaving Xie's house. She was already crazy when she knew that Xie Zhonglin didn't love her at all.

So she cried and laughed crazily, and used all her strength to stab the dagger towards the heart of Second Young Master Xie.

Second Young Master Xie's heart tightened, enduring the severe pain, he turned his hand aside.

Both the dagger and his hand were pressed to the side coffee table, and then there was a tragic scream.

The people outside heard the screams of their second young master, and hurriedly ran into the house.

They opened the door and were stunned by the scene inside.

The room was full of blood, and Aunt Du laughed wildly while chasing their second young master with a dagger in her hand.

The second young master took a stool to block it, and his other hand was bleeding profusely.

All the servants were stunned by the shock, and even forgot to go to stop Aunt Du's atrocities for a moment.

Second Young Master Xie let out angrily, and said, "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and take this crazy woman down."

Only with his voice did the stunned people wake up.

Several servants stepped forward, quickly snatched the dagger from Aunt Du's hand, and pinned her to the ground.

Today's Aunt Du is like a lunatic, her clothes are in a mess and covered with blood.

Her hair was also messed up and sticking to her face, and she couldn't see half of the meticulously groomed makeup on her face at this time. Now, she was almost like that lunatic beggar on the street.

"Sir, don't hide, we die together, die together..."

It's probably because Aunt Du is really crazy, she is still crying and laughing.

Looking at Aunt Du like this, everyone felt that she was really cruel and pitiful.

The second young master doted on her so much in the past, but now she has ended up like this.

"Go to the Lin Mansion, go to the Lin Mansion to find Dr. Gu..."

(End of this chapter)

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