It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 692 Is it a matter of life or chapter exercises?

Chapter 692 Death or morality?
It was Gu Youyou's box for western medical supplies. It was full of surgical supplies made by artisans in Lingnan and after coming to the capital. They were basically the only ones in the world.

Since it was a knife wound, it might come in handy.

By herself, she quickly went to the house to get the commonly used medicine box, and walked out of the house quickly.

The concierge had already prepared a carriage for her, Gu Youyou's face darkened, and she said lightly: "Saving people is a race against time, when is the time in the carriage, I will go on horseback."

After finishing speaking, she snatched the horse of the servant who informed the government, got on the horse and ran away, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

"Your cousin can also ride a horse?"

"I do not know?"

"Since she has ridden away, send this carriage back."

"Slow down, I have to use it." Lin Qianqing came out in a hurry, and Miss Du was with her.

Lin Qianqing said: "I know you are worried, let's go together."

Miss Du nodded.

Although the Xie family has nothing to do with her, if Aunt Du is kicked out of the Xie family, she is still a member of the Du family, and she has to give an explanation to her dead parents.

Gu Youyou arrived at Xie Mansion as quickly as possible, and there were already a bunch of servants waiting in front of the Xie Mansion, just waiting for her to come to save her life.

Gu Youyou frowned, and said, "What are you doing blocking the door? Is your second young master dead?"

These words stunned the people blocking the door.

Doctor Gu is really tough!

They led Gu Youyou to walk in quickly, and said: "Second Young Master is still alive, so he was seriously injured, blood was everywhere, and a finger was forcibly cut off."

"Oh? Broken finger?" Gu Youyou was a little surprised.

While talking, I have already arrived at the room where I got to know the second young master.

The room was in a mess, blood was everywhere, it really was a big battle just now.

"Doctor Gu, are you here?" Xie Qinyun greeted her happily, and said anxiously, "Look at my second brother."

Gu Youyou nodded at her, put down the medicine box, and went to see the second young master's injury.

He was stabbed in many places, and he was in a state of embarrassment. Most likely, the wound was too painful and bled too much. He was already pale and sweating profusely from the pain.

Seeing the appearance of this blind and blind scumbag, Gu Youyou inexplicably wanted to clap his hands and applaud, feeling relieved.

Of course, as a doctor with professional ethics, this is just thinking about it in my heart, and I am still very serious on the surface.

She glanced at the severed finger on the table, then at the base of the finger that Mr. Xie was pressing, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The incision is neat, the angle of pressure to stop the bleeding is very precise, and the time for the severed finger is still short, so there is still a high possibility of it being reattached.

"You take off your clothes first, and I'll help you deal with the wound on your body first."

Although the wounds on his body were not deep, they were quite numerous, and he hadn't done a good job of stopping the bleeding. If he didn't take care of it, he would faint due to excessive blood loss.

"You're a female doctor, are you alright?" Second Young Master Xie said that although he was in severe pain, his mind was still clear.

Gu Youyou said unhappily: "It's a matter of life or morality, choose yourself!"

Second Young Master Xie: "..."

Xie Qinyun snatched the conversation and said, "Oh, what time is it, what are you still brazening about? Doctor Gu didn't say anything to a girl, and you still don't want to take it off? Do you want my help?"

Xie Qinyun's shameless words shocked the Second Young Master Xie, and said: "You are a girl who has not left the court, how can you talk like that?"

Xie Qinyun pushed him back directly: "I'm not taught by a mother, that's how it is."

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(End of this chapter)

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