Chapter 699 Two Apprentices
"Minnv has been trying her best to save herself." Gu Youyou replied.

The Queen Mother sighed, and said: "There is a saying that doctors do not heal themselves, it is really difficult for you. Would you like to ask the Ai family to send some imperial physicians to show you?"

Of course, this problem of hers cannot be seen by the imperial physician, Gu Youyou hurriedly said: "Thank you Queen Mother, I don't need to bother the imperial physician, it is already a miracle that Youyou can live so long, Youyou knows it well."

The queen mother didn't force her, and said: "Well, I heard that you fell ill at a young age. It's really hard for you. Go down first and go find the princess."

"Yes, Minnv resigns."

The Empress Dowager's maid took Gu Youyou to the Liuying Palace of the Ninth Princess.

Cui Yingying, the little female doctor of the Cui family, is the companion of Princess Jiu. The two often study together. When Gu Youyou went, the female teacher was teaching them internal training.

The court lady wanted to go forward to report, but was stopped by Gu Youyou.

"Thank you, Auntie Li, to lead the way. Please go back to Renshou Palace to report to the Queen Mother. I will wait here for a while."

The palace maid agreed and went back to Renshou Palace first.

Standing outside the window, Gu Youyou listened to the two little girls reciting the internal training, and couldn't help but lament the sorrow of women in this feudal society.

If you want to study and learn knowledge, you must first learn the Four Books for Women.

Women's ring, internal training, female Analects, female Fan Jielu.

What are these books for her to read?It's just an accessory of a man who educates women into three obediences and four virtues, and his husband is greater than the sky.

But women born in this era have no choice.

Of course, girls like them are a little bit better, and can learn a little bit. If they are girls from poor families, no one will say anything if their husbands directly educate them with sticks.

Therefore, in the peasant family, mothers who are more discerning will teach their daughters to be more aggressive, so as not to suffer.

Probably the female teacher saw Gu Youyou standing outside the window, speeded up and finished the course ahead of schedule.

"Ninth Princess, Miss Cui, have you remembered everything Mr. Today taught you?"

Cui Yingying said obediently that she remembered, the nine princesses didn't move.

The female gentleman didn't say anything, just smiled lightly, saluted and left.

After the lady left, Gu Youyou carried the medicine box into the princess's study.

"Master, you are here!" The nine princesses who were still sleepy just now became alive when they saw Gu Youyou, and rushed to Gu Youyou to hug her waist. .

Gu Youyou patted her head with a smile, and said, "Yes, do you miss Master?"

"Yes, Liuying has been waiting for Master to come." Ninth Princess smiled happily.

Cui Yingying is much more polite than the princess, she saluted Gu Youyou honestly before calling her master.

Gu Youyou teaching children is too shocking for a court lady, so the clever Ninth Princess drove away her court ladies and eunuchs immediately after Gu Youyou came, and closed the door.

"Did you read all the books I showed you last time?"

Cui Yingying took out a book of acupoint diagrams and said, "I memorized the few pages Master asked me to read."

Ninth Princess took out a painting album and said, "Master, do you think my painting is good?"

Gu Youyou put away the homework of the two children and looked at them one by one, nodding in satisfaction.

"It's all done well. Let's not do our homework this time and go outside to play."

"Going outside to play?" Princess Jiu tilted her head and said, "If the empress knows that I don't study hard, I will say it again."

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "You are only so young, and it has been several years since you grew up in college. It's so boring to just learn that little thing. It's fun when it's time to play, but you have to study hard when it's time to learn. Master Teaching you how to learn while playing is naturally more effective than learning things in closed rooms all day."

(End of this chapter)

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