It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 701 Concubine Sheng has a capable person

Chapter 701 Concubine Sheng has a capable person
The Queen Mother back then had to endure a lot of hardships to achieve her current status.

Gu Youyou stared at her in a daze, the Ninth Princess pulled her clothes, and she woke up with a start, and hurriedly bowed down.

"Gu Youyou, a civilian girl, pays her respects to the imperial concubine."

With her head down, she couldn't see Concubine Sheng's expression, but she could feel her burning eyes falling on her.

It took a while to hear her voice.

"Get up!"

Concubine Sheng looked at Gu Youyou, and said lightly: "Your clothes are pretty, but you made them yourself?"

Gu Youyou came here wearing this dress today to advertise Manxiulou, and immediately said: "Back to the imperial concubine, this dress was given by Miss Du of Manxiulou. Made."

"Manxiulou?" Concubine Sheng read softly, and then asked: "Is it the reopened Manxiulou? They even make clothes?"

The palace maid beside her replied: "Your Majesty, it should be the manxiu building that the Eldest Princess mentioned last time when she returned to the palace. They've made up."

Concubine Sheng raised her eyebrows, and said: "Who is reconciling with her husband after making such a commotion?"

"Exactly!" the maid replied.

Gu Youyou thought to herself: No wonder this concubine Sheng has not had any background and has been favored for many years and has lived a good life. You can tell by the maid beside her, she has capable people by her side.

Concubine Sheng laughed, and asked Gu Youyou: "Manxiulou also makes clothes?"

Just now, she was robbed by a palace lady, but Gu Youyou was in a hurry to speak before she came.

She said: "Going back to the imperial concubine, the Minnv doesn't know. Miss Du gave the Minnv this suit to thank the Minnv for saving her life."

"I don't know?" Concubine Sheng said to the maid behind her: "Then arrange for someone to go to Jinxiu Tower to ask, if it is done, then I will make a set for this palace, just like Miss Gu."

Gu Youyou was overjoyed, the first royal business was completed.It seems that she has to meet with Miss Du early, so that she can start a complete clothing store as soon as possible.

The maid answered yes, Concubine Sheng's eyes fell on Gu Youyou again, she glanced at her, and then looked at Princess Jiu with a smile on her face.

"Why is Jiu'er free to visit the lotus pond today?"

Gu Youyou's heart turned cold, and she thought: This little girl must be smarter, but don't say that she brought them out for new education.

Forgot to give them a collusion confession before coming out.

The ninth princess glanced at Gu Youyou, then turned her head and replied to Concubine Sheng: "Master has been to the palace many times, but he hasn't seen the Imperial Garden yet, so I will bring Master to see it."

"Oh? Master?" Concubine Sheng looked at Gu Youyou and smiled, "Then what did Miss Gu teach the nine princesses?"

Gu Youyou didn't dare to deceive, and answered honestly: "Minnv was originally Miss Cui's master, teaching medical skills. After the princess knew about it, she also wanted to worship the minnv as her teacher, so the queen mother asked the minnv to accept her together. But after getting along, the minnv found that the princess She is more talented in painting skills, so she taught the nine princesses how to paint with the daughters of the people."

"Really?" Sheng Guifei asked the ninth princess.

Princess Jiu nodded and said: "What Master said is exactly, Jiu'er likes to paint lotus." She looked towards the lotus pond.

Gu Youyou breathed a sigh of relief, and thought: The Ninth Princess is still very good.

The maid behind Concubine Sheng reminded her again, saying: "Madam, this Miss Gu should be Dr. Gu from Jisheng Hall who is quite famous in our Zhuzhao Kingdom. Give it to Doctor Gu."

(End of this chapter)

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