Chapter 706 Die Outside

"Are you still angry?" Gu Youyou asked the servant girl of Jiefu.

The servant girl was afraid that she was quite frightened, so she kept shivering.

"Yes... I'm a little angry. But my whole body is burnt to the point where I don't look like it. I'm afraid... I won't survive."

"Well, if you can't survive, why do you still call me?"

This kind of dangerous person should have been controlled a long time ago, letting her harm others is simply a sick mind, and I don't know what Mr. Xie thinks.The Second Young Master Xie was almost stabbed to death by her before, how long has it been since the house was burned down again.

"It was the second young master who sent the maidservant to invite Dr. Gu." The servant girl said with a mournful face.

Gu Youyou sneered: "What's the matter with the remaining love?"

While speaking, he had already arrived at Jiefu.

Gu Youyou followed the maid who led the way and quickly walked into the inner courtyard. It was still dark, and the servants on the road were all holding torches. When they arrived at the firewood room where Auntie Du was imprisoned, Gu Youyou saw that the fire had been extinguished.

The firewood house was burned down, and several houses where the servants lived near the firewood house were also burned down, and it is now a mess.

Master Xie, Second Young Master Xie, and Xie Qinyun were all present.

Xie Qinyun was cursing and cursing non-stop, while the Second Young Master Xie stood aside like a fool.

Mr. Xie seemed to have aged several years overnight, and kept moaning and sighing.

Seeing Gu Youyou coming, he perked up and walked towards her.

"Doctor Gu, always bothering Doctor Gu to run to the mansion, I am really ashamed of myself."

Although Gu Youyou was not very happy to be called out, she was polite to Mr. Xie and said: "Mr. Xie is serious. It is the duty of a doctor to save people and treat diseases. Let me see the wounded first."

"Doctor Gu, please!"

In a servant's room, there were five people lying on the big bunk, and all five of them had burns to varying degrees. Gu Youyou looked over one by one and found that the two people with the worst burns had died.

The other two were almost dying, and the only one who could be saved would be worse than death.

When Aunt Du died, everyone was sleeping, and they were sound asleep.In addition, the firewood house was far away, and it was too late when everyone found out that it was on fire.

She asked people to lift the two dead people out, and then set her sights on the remaining three people.

All three were beyond recognition, she asked, "Who is Aunt Du here?"

The cursing Xie Qinyun pointed to the woman who was the least injured and said, "It's just her, this bitch, who burned everyone else to death, and she can still breathe."

Gu Youyou: "..." She thought in her heart that her fate is really big.

Is it in response to the saying that a good man's life is not long, and a scourge can live for a thousand years?
She looked at Mr. Xie and said, "These two are hopeless, and it took only a while to die. I think Aunt Du is very lucky. Maybe she can come back to life. It's just that she's burnt beyond recognition. Even if she survives, I'm afraid." Life is worse than death, Mr. Xie, do you still want to save him?"

Mr. Xie hadn't spoken yet, but the second son Xie who was in a daze took the conversation.

"Save, of course we must." He almost gritted his teeth and said these words, his eyes shone fiercely, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

"Doctor Gu, please save her!"

She wanted to die here, but she couldn't get her wish.Thinking of life is to solve family members, and death is to solve family ghosts, right?He wanted to let her be abandoned alive.

Seeing the gloomy look on the face of Second Young Master Xie, Gu Youyou knew that he didn't have any remaining affection for Aunt Du, but hated her so much that even if she was going to die, he wouldn't let her die in Jiefu.

I have to say that this man is enough to hate.

(End of this chapter)

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