It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 716 The depths of the lotus flower

Chapter 716 The depths of the lotus flower
Miss Du smiled and said: "You are my distinguished guests, how can I call my servants? Go back to Zhuangzi quickly, I made lotus seed soup and mung bean soup, it's all for relieving summer heat."

Xie Qinyun smiled and pulled Lin Qianqing closer, and said in a low voice, "I have been here for two days and have been living in this village. There is a stone mill in their yard, and the bean juice produced by the grinder is much better than what my family gave me. It's delicious."

"Really? There is also a stone mill in our grandmother's yard. I don't know if it is the same."

There was only room for one person to pass on the ridge road, and the four of Gu Youyou walked in a row. She walked at the end, holding an umbrella, but looked at the person behind her.

After hesitating for a moment, Gu Youyou went back, handed the umbrella to Jin Zijin, and said, "I'm not afraid of heat, you can use it."

Jin Zijin didn't refuse, and took the umbrella over.

He was indeed suffering from the heat, so taking it over would save Yoyo from worrying.

"I'm also afraid of the heat!" Yue Rujing drew the tone, and smiled wryly.

"Hold it!" Gu Youyou said angrily.

The three girls in front stopped when they heard the movement behind them, and looked over at them.

Xie Qinyun asked Lin Qianqing curiously: "Who are those two people? Doctor Gu actually gave up the umbrella to that person?"

She took a rough look at these two people, they were just dressed as buddies, and thought they were two coolie buddies brought by Gu Youyou and Lin Qianqing to cover up their eyes and ears, but seeing Gu Youyou's caring way of giving one of them an umbrella, she knew the identities of the two were afraid is unusual.

Therefore, when Xie Qinyun and Miss Du looked at those two again, their gazes no longer looked like they were looking at servants.

Miss Du slightly nodded her head and saluted, she said: "Xin Tong is negligent, I don't know the two of you..."

In the middle of speaking, Yue Rujing raised her hand to signal Miss Du not to ask again.

Miss Du is also a smart person, so she understood immediately, and said, "Please, two young masters."

Liu sits in a few well-arranged tile-roofed houses. In the courtyard, all kinds of half-dried vegetables are dried, and there are a few chickens in the chicken shed next to the house.

A middle-aged woman in plain clothes came out, holding a basket with half-picked vegetables in her hand.

A yellow dog was sleeping lazily under the eaves. Seeing someone coming, he only raised his eyelids for a look, and then closed his eyes to sleep again.

It feels quite like a farmhouse.

The middle-aged woman bowed to Miss Du and said, "Miss, these are your guests!"

Miss Du said: "That's right, just these few, please ask Mama Chen to make some side dishes."

Chen Ma hurriedly smiled and said, "No trouble, no trouble, I'll go right away."

Xie Qinyun took Lin Qianqing to the scene to grind tofu, Jin Zijin gave Gu Youyou a wink, and she followed him out of the yard in a panic.

"Where are you going?" It was a rare opportunity to meet Jin Zijin in broad daylight.Gu Youyou looked at the lotus flowers in front of her, and said, "Go to the river?"

Jin Zijin smiled and led her to the river.

When he got closer, he saw a small boat under the willow tree. Jin Zijin untied the rope tied to the willow tree and threw it on the boat. Then he turned around and held out his hand to her, saying, "Come on, be careful."

Whatever you want.

Gu Youyou carefully boarded the boat, and asked, "How do you know there is a boat here?"

"I saw it when I came here."

The blue waves were rippling, the boat soon moved to the depths of the lotus root, the low houses on the Zhuangzi were getting farther and farther away, and the boats disappeared on the river, only the lotus leaves swaying gently in the wind were shaking a little bit some.

(End of this chapter)

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