719 Blood Sacrifice

Jin Zijin sighed, "I don't know much about the blood sacrifice and soul transfer array. I asked my master when he was awake when he was in the capital a few days ago."

He has always been very uneasy about Gu Youyou's living state.That's why I found an opportunity to ask Tian Jizi, but I didn't think that the real plan of the blood sacrifice and soul-shifting array was indeed not a soaring day, but... robbing other people's bodies.

Then Yu Jizi picked Jin Ziyuan and helped the emperor win the world, but kept the five kings and many forces behind the three kings and five kings back then. I'm afraid it's not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"So?" Gu Youyou had a bad feeling.

"So..." Jin Zijin really didn't want to scare her, but he still thought it would be better to tell her about this matter in advance.

"So the blood sacrificial medicine person should be before the election of the national teacher."

Gu Youyou's heart is cold, the evil old society, blood sacrifice, just these two words are scary enough, shouldn't it be the kind that emits all human blood?

It's too cruel, the key is that she is still one of the sacrifices.

"About when?" Gu Youyou's teeth chattered before she asked this sentence.

Jin Zijin pondered for a moment, sat on the boat, staring at the gently swaying lake water, his eyes were icy cold.

He whispered: "It should be that the medicine man is not ready, otherwise he wouldn't ignore you guys."

You guys are referring to Gu Youyou who stayed honestly in the Lin Mansion, Jin Ziyuan who was about to rebel, and the one they found in Splendid City.

Gu Youyou bit her lip, and said fiercely: "My situation didn't come from a blood sacrifice, so he can never succeed. Even if that day really comes, I won't let him succeed by bumping him to death."

Jin Zijin hugged her tightly and patted her on the back, saying: "I won't let you have such a day, since his medicine man is not ready, then..."

Before the words were finished, they heard the sound of oars paddling among the lotus roots in front of them. They didn't say anything more, but calmed down and listened carefully.

Hearing the voice, guessing that the boat on the opposite side was still a little far away, Gu Youyou lowered her voice and said to Jin Zijin: "It's not good for them to see our situation, and they can't explain it clearly. Hurry up and row back."

Jin Zijin nodded slightly, hummed, and began to put down the oars, rowing the boat in the opposite direction from the sound.

I don't know who it is, really, hiding in the middle of the lake will not be quiet.

Before he even had time to kiss her lips, he was forced to run away.

Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin were rowing like they were fleeing for their lives.

On the other side, another boat seemed to have identified them, and it had to catch up to find out. Listening to the sound of the paddles, there were four paddles, and two people were paddling.

Gu Youyou felt distressed seeing Jin Zijin who was rowing with his arms rounded in the hot weather, and wanted to help row together, but there were only two oars in the small boat they were in.

So at most she fanned him with the lotus leaf, and by the way lowered her voice and panted to encourage him.

"Come on, hurry up, work harder..."

Jin Zijin: "..."

Gu Youyou: "..."

Why does this word sound wrong?
"Shut up and fan me quickly."

Jin Zijin swore that he had never been so embarrassed when he went down the mountain with Yue Rujing to steal the widow's chicken and was caught on the spot.

Being caught as a thief and being caught as an adulterer are two different concepts.

Jin Zijin had already tried his best, and he almost took Gu Youyou to escape with light kung fu, but he was caught up with his arms not as good as the enemy's four hands.

Gu Youyou was preparing to make a speech, but when the boat behind her approached, she realized that the people on the boat behind were not the acquaintances she had guessed in Zhuangzi at all, but two strangers.

(End of this chapter)

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