Chapter 725 Choice
And cooperating with Gu Youyou, her theoretical plan is undoubtedly the best opportunity to push the Manchu embroidery technique to another climax.

At the same time, she also understands very well that if Gu Youyou wants to open this tailor shop, without her full embroidery, she can replace it with other embroidery products. The reason why she found herself is only because she has some friendship with herself.

This opportunity... It can be said that after passing this village, there is no such shop.

But the it to make full embroidery a common embroidery that everyone knows?

Gu Youyou calmed down and looked carefully at Miss Du who was struggling. She probably guessed a lot about what was going on in her heart.

If you want to change to an ordinary partner, Gu Youyou doesn't need to be moved to comfort her with affection and reason, and directly use kindness and power to take her down.

But how could other people be as loyal as Miss Du?
With her kindness to Miss Du in Xie's family, and helping her to develop Manxiu again, she will be the most trustworthy partner.

This world is different from modern times.Gu Youyou doesn't have so much time to figure out an opponent or partner, finding someone trustworthy is undoubtedly a one-off, so she will try her best to persuade Miss Du and win her over.

"You don't want to? I thought that you have no descendants and no disciples to inherit. This Manchu embroidery will be lost sooner or later. Since your ancestors broke the tradition of passing on daughter-in-law and not daughter-in-law for continuous inheritance, why should you stick to the rules and let this Skill lost?
I understand that you are afraid that everyone will become worthless and worthless, but you don't have to worry about it.You go to Renyazi's place and spend more money to buy some qualified maidservants.Their deeds of prostitution are in your hands, just like Cui Ya, they are yours.It's not easy to manage the embroidered lady, but isn't it easy to manage the maid?Just leave it to Cuiya.If it doesn't work, let Miss Xie help you and find a pungent woman to manage it. "

Although it is inhumane to do so, it has to be said that Yue Rujing's method is very effective.

It is also good for those slave girls who are sold.

Being an embroiderer is better than being locked up in the courtyard of a deep house and serving as a handmaiden to the scheming women.

At least you don't have to be beaten at any time, you don't have to take the blame for your masters, you don't have to be sexually harassed by male masters with bad intentions, and you don't have to kneel to this or kowtow to that.Live at least with dignity, like a human being.

As long as they are not born with little brains, they will choose to be a loyal and humane embroiderer instead of a maid.

Miss Du kept her head down and struggled. This matter was a big deal for her. Gu Youyou didn't care about her and waited for her to make a decision.

At the stone table under the willow tree outside the courtyard gate, Xie Qinyun was fighting with Yue Rujing.

Gu Youyou looked over in a little surprise, never expecting that these two people could still quarrel.

"Are you a fellow of Jishengtang?"


"Are you the guard of Jishengtang? Oh, no, how can there be guards in Jishengtang? Are you a relative of the Lin family?"

"No, I have nothing to do with the Lin family."

Xie Qinyun thought about it, the relatives of the Lin family are nothing more than the Duke's mansion.

After guessing and guessing, she lost her patience and said loudly, "Who are you?"

"Guess?" Yue Rujing took off a wicker stick and scratched Xie Qinyun's head one after another.

Xie Qinyun tore it off and threw it on the ground, looked at Lin Qianqing who was talking to another clerk by the lotus pond in the distance, and said: "Say you are a servant, it's not like that. Qianqing treats you very respectfully! There is that person who came with you, and she is respectful to him, who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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