Chapter 737 The Legendary Yanchi
Mrs. Lu sighed, wiped away her tears and said, "It's been so many years, and I'm used to it. As long as there's nothing wrong with my body, I'm afraid that the woman will poison me. If you look ugly, you will kill me."

If the body is in a state of hormone imbalance for a long time, it is true that it is not as long as ordinary people live, and the ladyboys don't live long.

Of course, the woman's drug that poisoned Mrs. Lu must not be as simple as ordinary hormones.

She is a talent, but it's a pity that it's not used in the right place.

"Take this medicine for a few days before talking, and then come to me."

Gu Youyou gave the prescription to Mrs. Lu, and then left the Jishengtang, and got back into the carriage to go to the palace.


Because of the noble ladies entering the palace, the palace has been more disciplined these days than before. The Cui family was afraid that Cui Yingying would cause trouble if she stayed with the Ninth Princess, so they took her back.

It's been several days since I came to class.

The Ninth Princess, Jin Liuying, was really boring to attend the class alone, but luckily Gu Youyou came.

When the class of the Four Books for Women was over, she happily took Gu Youyou's hand, and whispered to her: "All the noble ladies have entered the palace, these days the ladies of the palace have all paid attention to the noble ladies of Chuxiu Palace, No one is looking at my Firefly Hall. Master, don’t you like Fire Lotus? Jiu’er will take you there?”

Today, I found an opportunity to see the fire lotus in the Yanchi, Gu Youyou was overjoyed for a moment.

Just as he was about to promise her to come, he suddenly felt a little worried.

What if you get caught?
Ninth Princess can also say that she is young and ignorant, so what about herself.

"Master, what are you thinking? All the maids have been taken away by me, let's go quickly! There is no one there, just go and return secretly. I went to see it secretly a few days ago." Seeing Gu Youyou, she didn't respond. Next, the nine princesses urged.

Gu Youyou poked her forehead and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go quickly."

Afraid of being scared, she has become more and more timid after staying in this ancient times for a long time.

At that time, I said that I didn't know that Huo Lian couldn't see it. She was kind to the queen mother anyway, but just took a look, and didn't believe that the always filial emperor could not give the queen mother face.

The nine princesses took Gu Youyou around in the huge palace, passed through several palaces and gardens, and finally saw a pool of fiery red.

Looking from a distance, the legendary Yanchi reflected half of the sky red.

It was very quiet around, no one was around, not even the sound of birds could be heard.

Princess Jiu looked at the fiery red pool and shouted happily: "It's there, Master, let's go quickly."

When he reached the edge of Yanchi, Gu Youyou could clearly see the original appearance of the fire lotus.

Yue Rujing once brought a fire lotus to Gu Youyou, but the lotus had withered when it was in her hands, except for the dark red ball, it couldn't see its original appearance.

The leaves of the fire lotus here are very large, growing into large discs like jade lotus. The leaves are green, but the stems are red.

The color of the flowers is as red as fire, and the flowers are smaller than ordinary lotus flowers. The water in the pond where they are planted is as red as blood.From time to time, there are bubbles of different sizes, like blood rolling, making people feel coquettish and disgusting for no reason.

How did Jin Zijin get poisoned by the fire lotus?
"It's so beautiful!" Ninth Princess sighed while lying on the edge of the pond.

Gu Youyou: "..." Forgive her for not appreciating her.

If you pick the fire lotus alone, it may be beautiful.

But in a pool of blood, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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