It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 739 You Didn't Tell the Truth

Chapter 739 You Didn't Tell the Truth
Then how could the emperor be like this, he took her away just now, and now he is being arrested... is he trying to solve her secretly?

Don't need to do this, right?At any rate, we studied Huolian to save your son.

Gu Youyou was brought into a palace by several eunuchs. Before entering, she looked at the name of the palace, the Palace of Preserving Harmony, that is the place where the emperor tidies up his appearance. Why did you bring her here?
In the Palace of Preserving Harmony, several court ladies and eunuchs stood on both sides. The eunuch who grabbed Gu Youyou pushed Gu Youyou to the ground, and pulled out the white cloth from her mouth.

The emperor sat on the chair above, and did not see the nine princesses who left with the emperor.

"You are the doctor of Jishengtang, Gu Youyou who treated the queen mother's leg disease?"

Gu Youyou didn't know what the emperor meant, so she could only answer honestly: "Going back to the emperor, she is the girl of the people."

"Why go to Yanchi?"

Gu Youyou didn't look up at the emperor's expression, but hearing the voice, it was majestic and indifferent.

She felt bad, and put her hands on her waist inadvertently.

If the emperor really wanted to kill her because of the lotus pond, maybe the Qingluan jade pendant could save her life.

If her guess is correct, this jade pendant belongs to Xiao Qin'er, Jin Zijin's mother, and the person who gave her this jade pendant is the person in front of her.

"Daughter ..."

"I hope you're telling the truth."

Gu Youyou was about to continue pretending to be confused, but was interrupted by the emperor's words.

She bit her lip, and after weighing the pros and cons, she felt that she would not be able to fool her any longer.

She said: "Minnv has been weak since she was a child, and her body has a heavy cold air. I accidentally heard that the nine princesses mentioned that there is a kind of red lotus that looks like fire in the palace, so I wondered if this red lotus has the effect of driving cold and dampness. Huolian, that's why I begged Princess Jiu to take the women to take a look. But I didn't want to be seen by the emperor as soon as I got there."

"Then you want to steal the fire lotus to make medicine for yourself?"

Gu Youyou hurriedly said: "No, no, the minnv didn't dare to steal the fire lotus, the minnv suddenly wasn't interested in the fire lotus after seeing that pool, but the pool's very special, the minnv just wanted to fill it with some water Go back and study it."

This is telling the truth, the emperor did see her filling the bottle with water instead of picking fire lotus.

The emperor didn't speak for a long time after hearing this, Gu Youyou couldn't help but look up.

The emperor didn't look at him, but leaned his elbows on the armrest of the chair, and his eyes didn't know where he was looking, looking thoughtful.

After a while, he looked at Gu Youyou again.

Gu Youyou relieved the eyes of the emperor, and lowered her head hurriedly and honestly.

I heard that the emperor likes others to submit to him, and he is moody.

There is a reason for the national teacher to give someone a name for killing someone.

In this world, the emperor is the only one who kills without a reason.

"Look up and look at me as I speak," said the emperor.

Not knowing what he was going to do, Gu Youyou raised her head boldly.

"You didn't tell the truth." The emperor looked at Gu Youyou and said lightly.

Gu Youyou was stunned, and felt more and more that it was impossible for her to fool the emperor.

He is nearly fifty, and he can already be called an old man in this era.

His temples were gray, and the skin on his face also showed the kind of slack that only old people have. Compared with the queen, he really looked much older.

A pampered person like him should not be like this.

The emperor's eagle-like eyes stared at Gu Youyou, which made her feel unnatural.

"Your majesty, daughter of the people..."

(End of this chapter)

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