It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 749 The Celestial Master Is Sick Again

Chapter 749 The Celestial Master Is Sick Again
"It's rare that you are a sensible person, you can see through it at all." Circe threw a contemptuous look, and sneered: "She always told me in the early years that people like us can't have feelings, and we can't have feelings for anyone, otherwise it will be easy to do bad things. I listened to it, but she forgot. If she didn't stand up by herself, how could she end up like this?"

She snorted coldly, and said, "As for Mrs. Lu... if I don't confess her, the condition is that she saves my life. But this man, she really didn't want my life, but let someone kill me. Beat to death."

Gu Youyou: "..."

Well, General Lu is not crazy, it's because his ancestors have accumulated virtue, who are these people in the backyard?

"Why did your mother poison Mr. Lu?" Mr. Lu is the lifeblood of the Lu family.

Circe suddenly laughed, cold and frightening, "It's just a drug test, do you need a reason? Besides my father, he's the only man in our family."

"..." Well, pretend she didn't ask.

The night is windy and a little cool.

Gu Youyou asked Xiang Toon to close the window, so far away from the capital, Jin Zijin will not come again tonight.

She was afraid of the cold, so she asked the inn for a thick quilt to fall asleep.

On the second day, he had to continue on his way. Before dawn, Gu Youyou heard the sound of jumping feet and cursing from the next room.

"You bastards, how dare you bring the old man to this wretched place?"

Gu Youyou thought that the old man woke up, so she hurriedly got up, put on her clothes and walked to the old man's room next door, regardless of whether she was asleep or not.

Yixi just didn't know what to do, seeing Gu Youyou coming, it was like waiting for a savior.

"Doctor Gu, come and help me persuade Master. Master drank your medicine and slept for a day and a night. When he woke up, he yelled to go back."

Gu Youyou sighed, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to appease Tian Jizi.

"Tianshi, there are so many pilgrims entering the Sanqing Temple every day, which is not conducive to your recovery. Qishan is quieter, which is good for your health."

"It's you little girl again." Tian Jizi said angrily, "I said I'm not sick, but you have to say I'm sick, why? Now you want to follow me back to Qishan?"

The corner of Gu Youyou's mouth twitched, and said, "That's what it means."

"I'm sorry, Qishan doesn't accept female disciples." Tian Jizi raised his chin and said arrogantly.

Gu Youyou smiled wryly: "I don't want to be a teacher, I'm your doctor. Before your body recovers, maybe I have to follow you."

"That line, I have to go back to the Sanqing Temple. I will be wherever I am overnight, and I am not used to being there overnight."

For a while, I just felt very tired.

"Master, Yixi has been here all the time." Yixi pointed to his nose and said.

Tianjizi shuddered and knocked on Yixi's head, and said angrily: "Yue Rujing, you bastard kid is here to deceive me again? If you keep yelling, I will write a book and have someone send it to Lingnan, so that your father can come and personally Clean you up."

Helpless, Yixi had no choice but to admit his mistake while hiding.

"Don't dare, Yue Rujing is a bastard, master, please spare me."

For such an old man, Gu Youyou was also very speechless, so she could only say: "Tianshi, I went back to Qishan early, you should wash up first, go downstairs to have a meal, we will take you to find Yixi."

Tianjizi stopped, and said: "Nonsense, I'm in Sanqing Temple overnight, I know."

"Oh, then you haven't seen Yixi for a few days at Sanqing Temple."

Haven't seen you for a few days?Ever since he recognized Yixi as Yuerujing, he hasn't seen him again.

(End of this chapter)

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