It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 75 Forgetting the look of flowers

Chapter 75 Forgetting the look of flowers
Gu Feng said angrily: "No, how can it be good, you have to be so careful in this life."

Everyone: "..."

Hearing what Gu Feng said, they suddenly felt bored.

Although the peasant family also wanted to find a daughter-in-law who looked like Zhou Zheng, good health was the key.

If you are in good health, you can work, and if you are in good health, you can have a son.

If you are a sick seedling all your life, what if your son is also a sick seedling?

At noon when the weather is good, Gu Youyou can see from a distance a patch of pink and white in a col in the back mountain, like a haze.

The clouds floating in the mountains formed a hazy veil, which gently covered the beauty.

When the aunt of the Wang family went to Gu Youyou's house, she saw Gu Youyou staring at a trance in the col, from a distance, she approached and said in a low voice, "Yuyou, you were sick when you were seven years old, so you were locked in the house to recuperate. It didn't come out until the last few months, have you forgotten what the flowers look like?"

Gu Youyou was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Aunt Wang's, her eyes became a little erratic, just like the clouds in the valley.

The aunt of the Wang family smiled and said, "Yuyou, there is a valley of plum blossoms. It's not too far away, but in fact, you can't get there after walking for half a day. The mountain road is very difficult to walk, and you have to climb down the cliff to get there. I just got there. When he married Sunja's father, Sunja's father took me there once, and it was beautiful."

Aunt Wang's eyes were staring at that mountain col, flickering with longing light.

Her son is about to get married, and he is not young in the farmhouse, only a middle-aged woman, but at this moment, Gu Youyou sees the light in her eyes that only young women can have.

That kind of yearning and thirst for beautiful things, with a touch of recollection and loss.

She sighed and said, "Yuyou, don't think about that plum blossom, you can't go there with your body, why don't you wait, you can see that this peach tree is also sprouting, and the flower is very beautiful."

Gu Youyou looked along her finger, and then she noticed that the dead branch on the edge of Jin Zijin's yard was a peach tree.

She smiled at the aunt of the Wang family and said thank you in a low voice! !

The aunt of the Wang family seemed to remember something, and hurriedly took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and handed it to Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou looked at it and asked, "Aunt Wang, who are you?"

The aunt of the Wang family said, "This is the veil I showed at your house some time ago. All the others have been sold, and the remaining piece that is not so good can't be sold, so I'll give it to you. Just don't dislike it."

Gu Youyou looked at the handkerchief in her hand, why is it that it is not good-looking and can't be sold, it is obviously the best piece she has made, okay, this color is different from the other handkerchiefs she has made, a pale pink one. Plum blossoms, lifelike!

She must be afraid that she would not accept it, so she said this on purpose.

Gu Youyou cracked a smile and asked, "Aunt Wang, what kind of flower is this?"

Now that she's determined that she doesn't remember what the flower looks like, she'll ask.

Aunt Wang's eyes flashed with excitement, and she smiled and said, "This is the plum blossom I said, it's what I remember, can you take a look at it?"

Gu Youyou nodded vigorously and said, "It looks good!"


When the moon fell on the west mountain, Jin Zijin came back with his hunting tools.

In the early spring, the animals gradually woke up from hibernation. They were hungry for a winter. They didn't grow fat, but fortunately, they hunted well, and there were a lot of miles. Today, he can be considered a full reward.

(End of this chapter)

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