Chapter 751 Electing the Concubine
Gu Youyou settled down in Qishan, and the general election in the capital has been completed.

The ladies like Lin Qianqing have already returned to their homes, and they are waiting for the royal family to give the dowry.

The Ministry of Rituals is extremely busy. The two princes are going to marry concubines, and they will marry several concubines. They are almost exhausted.

Mrs. Lin was happy, because Lin Qianqing was indeed chosen as the eldest prince and concubine.The eldest prince is the eldest son of the current emperor. Although he has not been canonized as a crown prince, his marriage to a concubine is of the same level as the prince's. It is not comparable to the second prince's marriage to a concubine.

For the betrothal gifts sent by the Ministry of Rites, Guangli had to set aside a separate yard to put them.

"Seeing the imperial decree and the dowry, I finally let go of my hunger. Master, I am really reluctant to give my daughter to someone else when she grows up."

Lin Xingyi's expression was flat, and he couldn't see any joy or anger. He just said lightly: "Isn't this what you have been expecting? Since your wish has been fulfilled, you should be happy."

Mrs. Lin was only interested in being happy, but she didn't notice the meaning of Lin Xingyi's words.

"Yes, yes, it's good to be the concubine. Qianqing will be the most honorable woman in our Zhuzhao country in the future. She is no better than others in marrying. This wedding dress... why don't we ask Miss Du from Manxiu Tower to make it? Now Manxiu Lou is very famous, I heard that many empresses in the palace go to her to order clothes."

Lin Xingyi only said lightly: "Her clothes are decided by the royal family, what kind of heart are you?"

"Ah, yes, I forgot when I was happy. The person Qian Qing married is no different than others. He is the eldest prince, the future emperor, and his concubine's dowry must be very particular."

The more Lin Xingyi listened to it, the more uncomfortable he felt. The Duke's Mansion is now acting more and more boldly. It's rare that he didn't hold back and insisted on going back.

"It's true that he is the eldest prince, but it's hard to say whether he will be the future emperor. Don't forget that the emperor's favorite is Concubine Sheng and the second prince!"

Mrs. Lin's face suddenly darkened, and after a while, she snorted coldly: "What is the second prince afraid of? His mother is just a servant girl of the Xiao family, and even if the Xiao family is on his side, she will not be like the prince This is how the government treats the First Prince."

Lin Xingyi sneered, looked at the conceited Mrs. Lin, and said: "Don't forget, today's empress dowager was also born as a maid, and today the emperor is still brought up by a maid, so people prefer those who are born by a maid. The world belongs to the emperor, and the emperor has the final say." .”

Lin Xingyi hadn't spoken to him so harshly for many years, Madam Lin was stunned for a moment.

She didn't react until Lin Xingyi had strode away.

She was a little distraught, panicked, and asked He Xiang who was standing beside him: "He Xiang, do you think the master has taken the wrong medicine today? Why do I feel that he is deliberately against me? He protects the two of you so much. Prince, could it be...he joined the second prince's party?"

He Xiang hurriedly groaned, her face changed drastically, and she hurriedly persuaded: "My lord, how could it be? My lord is probably reluctant to part with the eldest lady, so the words are a bit harsh. Ma'am, my lord has always been loyal to the emperor. Even if you want to be biased, it is also partial Prince, how could he become the second prince's party?

Maybe... Your lord knows something and is worried about the second prince, so he took this opportunity to remind Madam. "

Mrs. Lin was stunned for a moment, took a sharp breath, nodded in a daze, and said: "You are right, it seems that I have to find time to go back to the Duke's mansion and tell my father about it look."


(End of this chapter)

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