It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 762 Hijacking the Welcome Team

Chapter 762 Hijacking the Welcome Team

It's just that the prince's marriage is different from other families. This month Jin Xiaoran married Lin Qianqing, and next month he will welcome two concubines and four concubines at the same time.

As far as these concubines were concerned, their identities were no better than Lin Qianqing's. The reason why they failed to win the position of the main concubine was because they did not have the backing of the empress. Who knew that Lin Qianqing's mother came from the same family as the empress.

The right concubine is not the right concubine, but the current situation, whether she can become the real master of the eldest prince's mansion in the future depends on each person's means.

Inside the red hijab, Lin Qianqing was not as happy as the lively scene outside.

She rubbed the handkerchief in her hand with a worried expression on her face, her cousin went to Qishan, but she didn't come on her wedding day, what happened?

In the eyes of these people, Taoism is an existence that cannot be offended, even if it is a first-rank official in the imperial court, it is not easy to rob people with Taoism.

Mrs. Lin originally told Lin Xingyi that Qianqing got married and asked him to talk to the Taoists and ask Youyou to come back and give her a gift. The two of them are very affectionate.

But he didn't want Lin Xingyi to refuse on the spot, saying: "He was taken away from the emperor, do you think I can get it back?"

"But how do you know if you don't ask?"

"The eldest prince and Qian Qing are married. Who in the world doesn't know about such a big event? If they want to send it back, you don't need to tell me about it. If you don't send it back, it's useless to talk about it."

A few words back to Madam Lin.

"It's too overbearing and unreasonable!" Lin Qianqing cursed softly.

Her maid, Lu Luo, reminded her in a low voice: "Miss, we are almost here, please don't talk."

I heard that when they got married, the bride who covered her head could not speak and was laughed at.

Lin Qianqing closed her mouth, she should arrive at the First Prince's mansion outside the palace in a while.

Both the first prince and the second prince have not been crowned king yet. According to the rules of the Zhuzhao Kingdom, princes can only be crowned kings by building mansions outside and marrying their concubines.

Ten miles of red makeup is full of pomp.

The men in black on the second floor stared at the welcoming procession below and laughed coldly.

He should be the one with such honor. How could he be worthy of a usurper?

He waved to the people behind him, and beyond the ten miles of red makeup, countless night people who did not match him suddenly rushed out, disrupting the dazzling color.

"There are assassins..." Someone in the crowd yelled, and the team sending off the bride immediately fell into chaos.

"There are assassins to protect the eldest prince and the eldest princess."

After a while, the guards had already fought with Jin Ziyuan's men, and the scene was chaotic.

Lin Qianqing took off the red hijab on her head, opened the curtain and looked out.

Her maid Luluo pushed her into the sedan chair again, and said nervously: "Miss, you can't come out, it's dangerous outside."

"How could there be an assassin?" Lin Qianqing's voice was tinged with fear and excitement.

With an assassin, she actually thought that it would be great if the assassin took her away.

This is the only way, she will leave the Lin family forever, and the Lin family will not be implicated.

"Miss, don't be afraid, General Xiao is here, we'll be fine." Lu Luo almost cried in fright, trembling while hugging Lin Qianqing.

General Xiao?Xiao Jinyan?This dude!
He is a member of the Second Prince's Party.

Thinking of this, Lin Qianqing became more and more excited.

Those of the second prince's party, don't they wish for the eldest prince to be unlucky?
If the first prince's bride is captured by thieves, they are happy and there is no hurry, maybe the assassin was arranged by the second prince's people.

(End of this chapter)

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